NET2LOCAL BUBBLR Your ideas solve problems
About this deck This is a facilitator’s guide for running a Bubblr (more on that, soon). We use hidden slides (grayed out in the side bar) for prompts and extra information. Not to worry: they won’t show up when you play the deck. We use notes (located below each slide) for talking points and context related to each slide. When the deck is in Presenter mode, you will see the notes and the audience will see only the display of the slide. Feel free to re-name the deck or change the prompts in the notes sections. Please keep the credits for Caravan Studios in the deck. Please share your version of this deck with us! We want to learn from you. Questions or comments? Send them to
First, what is a Bubblr? A Bubblr is a facilitated group session designed to surface (bubble up) moments where technology can be helpful. We call those moments “opportunities for technology interventions” (wonky, we know). A Bubblr produces ideas that look like this. Caravan Studios helps shape these ideas and advocates for them at hackathons, promotes them to funders, and in general works hard to get them built into useful tools.look like this
Second, what’s an “opportunity for technology intervention?” An opportunity for a technology intervention is when a problem might be solved using technology. In our Bubblrs and Generators (a more robust Bubblr session), we often start with, “What keeps you up at night?” or “What’s broken and needs fixing?” Here are some examples of what we’ve heard: “We don’t have enough shelter space for human trafficking survivors.” “These people live in flood zones and are going to be hit by rising insurance premiums. We need to help them find out if they are impacted and where they can get more help.” “We spend way too much time using our white board to manage volunteers.” It’s the place where a developer or a designer or a product manager can apply their technological imagination to a solution. But first, we need to understand the problem.
Facilitator Tools A wall space suitable for sticking sticky notes A bunch of 3X5-sized sticky notes: at least 10 per attendee. (we use these)use these A bunch of pens: one per attendee Three pieces of 8.5x11 pieces of paper, each in a different (non-white) color Note cards or paper for taking notes (if needed). A way to take photos! Please upload to Flickr and tag “bubblr” without the quotes. After the session: you received a stamped, addressed envelope to mail Caravan Studios the sticky notes attendees used. Please send them to us as soon as possible. Thanks!
Room set up Write one of the following words on one of the three 8.5x11 pieces of paper. Use a fat black marker so attendees can see from far away: Illuminate Pinpoint Act Distribute to each person at least ten (or a stack) of 3x5 sticky notes and a pen once everyone is situated (or before, if you know how many will be participating).
Today we’re going to generate ways technology can help make the world better.
First, think of an issue you care about and know about.
Now, answer one or more of these statements: We need more X in this area. I need people to understand X in this area. This would work better if only I could find X. Here’s what’s really hard: Here’s what’s really easy:
Go to the wall Invite everyone to put their sticky notes on the wall.
Now the theory.
There are issues.
And there are problems.
We can’t confuse the two.
Technology can illuminate issues.
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Technology can pinpoint deviance.
Technology can prompt people to act.
Facilitator: put 3 pieces on wall now Instruct people to the three pieces of paper on the wall: Illuminate, Pinpoint, Act Have them move ANY sticky notes (not just their own) under the category that makes sense for that issue. We’re not looking for perfection; just a thoughtful placement. Have people reflect and their reasons behind the placement they chose. Give them time to finish. If they don’t understand someone’s sticky note, invite them to ask questions.
Read & Talk 1.Go to the wall and read the sticky notes. 2.If something strikes you as interesting or if you have questions about it, raise them, share what resonates. 3.Are there similarities? Discuss them.
Rate Using a pen, place a checkmark on the sticky note that resonates most with you. Which one seems ripe for a technological intervention, or which one are you most interested in exploring? You have THREE checkmarks.
Thank You! Here’s what’s going to happen next: 1.Send the sticky notes to Caravan Studios 2.They will synthesize, categorize and upload(itize) your ideas to Hacker Helper (a place where hackers find info to inform their work at hackathons). 3.The Caravan team will advocate for your ideas at an upcoming Code for America hackathon.
[Facilitator info and contact]
This deck was originally made by Caravan Studios is a division of TechSoup Global, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit sa/4.0/deed.en_US. sa/4.0/deed.en_US Find out more about Caravan Studios at: Follow us on Twitter at: