Using Visualisers in AfL A Case Study in Science
AfL ‘the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there’.
Benefits of Assessment for Learning Provides motivation for pupils Allows teachers to give more beneficial feedback Pupils learn about self and peer assessment Achievable goals and targets can be set Progress can be monitored on a regular basis Effective assessment techniques can raise self esteem
APP (Assessing Pupils Progress) The APP approach is straightforward. At regular planned intervals teachers review pupils' work using APP criteria to build and refine a profile of their attainment. The information gained from the process allows teachers to: 1.Analyse by the 5 AFs the relative strengths and next steps of each pupil from levels 3 to 8 2.Assign each pupil an overall National Curriculum level for science
APP (Assessing Pupils Progress) Use this information to set curricular targets to strengthen pupils' learning and inform their own future teaching by making links to the relevant objectives and amplification from the renewed Framework As part of the Assessment for Learning (AfL) strategy there are quality standards to support schools with the effective implementation of APP.
A huge Task ! Someone calculated that you would judge, mark and grade over a hundred different items for each pupil over the course of KS3, just in Science! When would you have time to feedback to the student and help them develop and strengthen their understanding ? Realistically this is an impossibility … unless you never did any teaching…sleeping or eating !
How can ICT help…. Well you can use a Computer spreadsheet to track Pupils levels and progress in tasks. Take videos and digital images of pupils work to record levels and for moderation. Show pupils work and how to carry out Peer/ Self Assessment. Allow pupils to plot and track their own progress. Allow pupils to see how they can improve their own work. In general ease the burden and free you up to do the teaching and talking to individuals in your classes !
The Visualiser ! One device does many of these chores. It can relieve teacher burden, help track student levels, encourage skills for autonomy and enable pupils to make progress :-
1. Allows me to share pupils work in their exercise books quickly and easily with the whole class. Allows pupils to discuss why they assigned a certain Level to a piece of work- Discuss Peer / self assessment decisions. Allows pupils to clearly pinpoint how to improve a piece of work and obtain a higher level--- Clearly Identifying “THE NEXT STEPS.” My Visualiser
My Visualiser 2. Enhances Autonomy of learners Pupils are able to recognise and utilise the level statements as they have a working use of them. Pupils can record there own progression on charts saving you work and making them skilled Independent learners.
Video 1
3. Allows me to take snap shots of pupils work and instantly file them in Levelled/ class folders (during the lesson not after it !). To make folders of standardised work for moderation, teacher training and exemplar work for future classes. To collate evidence of a child’s highest current level. My Visualiser
4. Takes videos of pupils doing group presentations / explaining scientific concepts and models. Brilliant also for BTEC classes as evidence for assignments Levels / Moderation. Allows individuals in groups to be graded on their performance with replay facility. Also has a use in teacher self review, performance management and classroom behaviour modification !
5. To allow students to justify their decisions to an audience and show off their good work. Students are often happier to share their work in this way to a group. Encourages group participation from reluctant / shy students. My Visualiser
The Data So far I have accumulated a great deal of data to support the improvement and achievement of pupils using visualisers. I am hoping to analyse this data at the end of this academic year when my first Visualiser cohort of 2 Key stages 3+4 take their GCSE exams.