Jisc Open Access Good Practice Workshop Options for administrative efficiencies in OA implementation Kara Jones Library : University of Bath 17 June 2014
The pitch: ‘Options for administrative efficiencies in OA implementation’ Expectation of increased costs, both financial and administrative during the transition from subscription to an OA model for the journal market. Where are the administrative overheads and how can they be reduced? Look at workflows for various types of APC payment options and pinpoint where institutions may make savings in staff and administrative costs. Pilot of recommendations and development of data to help with projected staffing arrangements to deal with OA payments. Payment effects on stakeholders – not transferring the load to authors/ publishers /etc. Look at workflows for reporting on Open Access and potential reductions in administration.
Not in scope: Actual APCs charged by publishers (although we will investigate whether pre-pay bundles skew or change the responsiveness of the APC market) Off-setting of APCs to subscription costs Technical specifications for metadata exchange
More: Building on Jisc APC project: compliance checklists, best practice guidelines for third party intermediaries for APC payments, case studies. Gathering evidence on the use of: voucher / waiver codes pre-pay bundles and discounts credit cards other payment options Gathering evidence of the administrative load on authors and publishers. Using a methodology (Lean Six Sigma) to guide improvement in processes, reduce wasted/redundant workflows and making systems work better. Guidance or solutions suggested should be scalable so as to be relevant to as wide a community as possible.