Earth Science Jeopardy Are you ready for the Common Assessment 6/19/13?
10 Points – Rocks and Minerals A mixture of minerals, mineraloids, plants and organic matter.
10 Points What is a Rock?
20 Points-R &M This light weight rock may float in water and rained down on the people of Pompeii.
20 Points if you said What is Pumice?
30 Points R & M A naturally occurring inorganic solid composed of one or more elements.
30 Points What is a Mineral?
40 Points R & M This is one of the softest minerals according to Mohs, only a 1 on the scale of hardness.
40 Points What is talc?
50 Points-R & M Briefly describe the processes of Weathering and Erosion in the Rock Cycle.
50 Points Weathering breaks the rocks apart while Erosion moves it to a new location.
10 Points- All about land Molten materials form what type of landform
10 Points What is a volcanic mountain?
20 Points- The land This imaginary line separates the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
20 Points What is the Equator
30 Points-The Land The Line that divides the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
30 Points What is the Prime Meridian
40 Points A country that the Prime Meridian runs through
40 Points England, Spain, etc.
50 Points-The Land The Colorodo _____________ is elevanted land with a flat surface at the top
50 Points What is the Colorado Plateau
10 Points-Weathering and Erosion The breaking of rocks by physical means is
10 Points What is Mechanical Weathering
20 Points- W & E Oxidation or Rusting can lead to what type of weathering that changes the composition of the rock
20 Points What is Chemical Weathering
30 Points- W & E The process of how the surface of the earth changes and moves due to water, waves, wind and glaciers
30 Points What is Erosion
40 Points-W & E An example of Mechanical Weathering
40 Points Tree Roots, Ice, crystals, expansion and contraction (heating and cooling)
50 Points- W & E Weathering breaks a rock down and Erosion moves it, Compaction and Cementation then would form what type of rock
50 Points What is Sedimentary Rock
10 Points-Shaking Earth Wegener’s Theory that the continents are moving and once moved from Pangaea
10 Points What is Continental Drift
20 Points-Shaking Earth The imaginary point on Earth’s surface that seismologists use to pinpoint an Earthquakes location
20 Points What is the Epicenter
30 Points-Shaking Earth These waves move the fastest from the focus of an Earthquake in a back and forth motion
30 Points What are Primary Waves
40 Points-Shaking Earth These waves might lead to the greatest loss of life in an Earthquake because they are the most destructive.
40 Points What are Surface Waves
50 Points-Shaking Earth This boundary is when plates collide or crash into each other forming mountains
50 Points What is a Convergent Boundary
10 Points- Volcanoes A mountain that forms when layers of lava and ash erupt and build up is a
10 Points What is a Volcano
20 Points-Volcanoes The Hawaiian Islands formed from a _____ in the middle of the Pacific Plate that magma is released from
20 Points What is a Hot Spot
30 Points-Volcanoes One of the most Active Volcanoes in the World that is found in Hawaii
30 Points What is Kilauea
40 Points-Volcanoes An example of a Composite Volcano is
40 Points What is Mt. Saint Helens, Mt. Vesuvius, etc.
50 Points-Volcanoes Home to 90 % of all major Earthquake and Volcanic Activity is
50 Points What is the Pacific Ring of Fire