Presented by: Simeon Cathey & Heather Newman The Road to Awesome SharePoint Adoption in Your Organization
A failure of senior management to endorse and enforce SharePoint was the biggest reason for lack of success, followed by inadequate user training and a general lack of planning. Nearly two-thirds of SharePoint installations are somewhat stalled in their adoption and progress. The key lessons learned are don’t leave it to IT – form a SharePoint steering group. Be sure to understand the implications of metadata and taxonomy. Check out the Content Panda blog for more info.
Research shows that (52%) of organization users are introduced to SharePoint without any training or communication plan to drive internal adoption. What year is this fact from? Frankly it doesn’t matter.
“ Change the way you work, because the way you work impacts the work you do.” Mike Grafham Yammer Customer Success Manager Director, Microsoft Corporation
Outline Your Vision
It’s All About Value Why SharePoint? What is your vision? Technical Requirement IT Upgrade Business Need Meet Compliance Collaboration Project Management Break Down Department Silos
Q1 /2 2015Q3/4 2015Q1/2 2016Q3/4 2016Q1/2 2017Q3/ TIMELINE
Pilot – Start Small & Keep it Simple Align with the culture Overcome fear of change Empowerment is key Best Practices are not overrated.
Pinpoint Qualified Business Use Cases
“Use Case” Driven - Look to the Business Sales and Marketing R&D, Production and Operations Finance and Accounting Information Technology HR and Internal communications Legal & Compliance
Get Sponsored “Before you roll out SharePoint…”
Release Functionality in Phases
Arm and Empower Leadership adoption is imperative to success, especially around organizations that still haven’t experienced that culture change. Speak the language of the leadership team to drive sponsorship, what does the solution mean in $?
Stay Focused Look for the “killer app” but keep it small and well defined. If you are going to be successful, you’ve got to invest time in the beginning.
Case Study: Business Use Case Focused Results: Company wide introduction and usage of SharePoint
Planned Communication
Executive Sponsors Plan to have executive communicate sponsorship to the target audience to show their support
Define Your Champions Top down and bottom up “We showed a few people how to use it, a couple of heads, and they started training their people and they started getting good at it, they started knowing the ins and outs, and it’s gotten better.”
Target Your Audience & Get them Excited It’s not about telling people everything SharePoint can do, instead think about and communicate features and functionality that will have direct impact to their specific use case. If people understand how it’s going to help them they will be more motivated to learn it. Make them believe!
Wash, Rinse, Repeat Continue Communicating
Real World Example Vision Objectives Communication Vehicles Goals Theme Executive Sponsors Champions
Create a Training Plan for Users
What’s in your Training Toolbox?
Training Options Live instructor remote training (using Lync for example) On-demand instructor recorded training Self-guided training Peer-to-peer sharing Technical support
Look to Training Partners
Expert Opinions & Guidance There is great information out in the world that exists through IT and each of the MVP or influencers websites. They have been working on user adoption a long time and their best practice are excellent.
In-Context/Just-in Time
In-context help and training app for (Shameless Plug)
In-Context Help for SharePoint Content Panda is a in-context help, training and support application for Office 365 SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013 that delivers the most relevant and curated help content available in the world exactly when and where you need it. Brand, customize and integrate with LOB systems as appropriate.
Implement a Support Plan
SharePoint User Support Then Included Product Documentation Microsoft Call Center Support
SharePoint User Support Now Product Documentation Video Internet Search Community Online Training Instructor Led Training
Sponsor + Champions = Center of Excellence
Measure Success and Expand Broaden Engagement Create Surveys Listen to Issues and Pivot on Them
Documentation FAQ or How-to portal complete with guides and videos Checklists Knowledge Base Books
Drive and Support Change We want users to love this tool, and part of that is not only listening to employees, but taking that feedback and truly turning it around and implementing that feedback
Generate Excitement with Incentives and Rewards
Make it fun (buck the company culture) Use an online scavenger hunt as a fun way to encourage usage Provide recognition for content contribution or usage Gamification
This Journey Has Curves and Twists Whatever you do there will be some who never adopt Look at where the most collaboration is happening in the org You must lead with executive sponsorship and team champions Know that anything good takes time and people are resistant to change Be persistent, be diligent and start with the basics.
Businesses do not have emotion. People do. People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. People want to feel something. People want to be included. People want to understand. The Road to Awesome is filled with human understanding By taking a planned, phased approach to your SharePoint adoption, you can ensure success.
SharePoint Adoption Checklist Outline your vision Pinpoint qualified business cases Release functionality in phases Planned communication Create a training plan for Users Implement a support plan Generate excitement with incentives and rewards
Thank You for your time! Simeon Cathey CEO, Content Panda m Heather Newman CMO, Content Panda
Resources IT Unity: AIIM Industry Watch Feb 2015: lover-partner-skeptic-20-data-points-you-need-to-know lover-partner-skeptic-20-data-points-you-need-to-know Human 2 Human Philosophy: no-more-b2b-or-b2c-there-only-human-human-h2h no-more-b2b-or-b2c-there-only-human-human-h2h Critical Path Training: Combined Knowledge: SharePoint Shepherd’s Guide: Sue Hanley Blog: Visual SP:
With special thanks to our sponsors: Prize sponsors include: CBT Nuggets Mail2Share VisualSP Mahalo!