Africa RISING work plan discussions 4 Feb 2014 Bamako Azalai Grande Hotel Ghana Group
Nutrition work package Linkages that can be made: Ruminant and poultry and vegetables Nutrition should be a cross-cutting activity Possibly combine Nutrition with Aflatoxin work package as a “Food- Health” package Suggestions to improve: Specify actual interventions re nutrition Reality-check on level by which women's income can be improved Reduce fractionation of peoples’ time Target same sets of people as other projects Need to put together training for women for methods of preparing food
Aflatoxin work package Linkages that can be made: Feed formulation for livestock Could link across all work packages Suggestions to improve: Aflatoxin work package maybe impose their own treatments on related packages (ref. Brain) Need to think more broadly – what is it about? Define outputs and link these with other packages* *Need a method to do this (ref. Jeroem)
Small ruminants work package Linkages that can be made: Subsume some outputs into grazing management Water management – e.g. what is the total water required for unit animal product Pathway to scaling Nutrient cycling and link with value chain Link between value chain and IPs Suggestions for improvement: Some queries about the statistical design (ref. Augustine) – common issue for publication! Translocate much of this work package to community grazing but retain essence
Water management package Linkages that can be made: Crop livestock – what are the total water requirements for unit product? Link with all other packages to provide some options Suggested improvements: Clarify trade-off with growing season length/varieties Include water harvesting Emphasise water angle (WUE) Include climate change issues Include test beds for various interventions
Communal grazing package Linkages that can be made: Link feed processing with cost-benefit of pelleting Dairy and vegetable enterprises in other packages Water management – fences? Live fences? Integrated legume management Cross-cutting with a potential natural resource management theme Add/link to ruminants outputs Suggestions for improvement: Add two more communities Explain procedures better Using mapping for building local capacities – does IITA have this capacity? Make use of champions (ref. Franklin) Community level consultation/governance of natural resources Too many Ph.D.s
Cereal-vegetable work package Linkages that can be made: Need a linkage with water management package – i.e. getting best use of seasonal/dry season Water quality – e.g. risk of contamination Suggestions to improve: Be realistic about how many Ph.D.s Clarify whether the breeders are breeding or multiplying Clarify the site selection – will they be for wet season or dry season investigations?
Cereal-legume-livestock work package Linkages that can be made: Ruminant package via manure utilisation Cross-cutting land and water health assessment (ref. Fred and S. Buah) Link with water management Suggestions for improvement: Clarify dissemination methods Pinpoint actual activities Concerned about actual capacity to achieve outcomes RED FLAG!!! Pleas clarify terminologies e.g. farmer schools
Overall comments Reduce fractionation of people’s time Need to delineate actual responsibilities Need to see the assumptions made by each work package WHERE ARE THE WOMEN!!!!! Generally the budgets are very low
Integration process (Fred and Jeroen and Koo?) cereal-legume Cereal-livestock (legumes, vegetables) water Gender Nutrition Water Food safety (aflatoxin) Climate smart Participatory mapping CBA VCA Capacity building Inst/Gov’nce Innov. Platforms, R4D, multi-stake Natural resource management mechanisation Commun al grazing Residue, feed manure, nutrients Soil and water management Water holes and drinking NRM Irrigation and water harvesting DRIVERS Land pressure Land tenure
Value chains Communal grazing Aflatoxin NRM Vegetables Nutrition Animal protein Soil/land and water Nutrients stocks and flows Enterprise systems Crop-livestock- legumes-veg Gender/youth Human and social Community Innovation plat’ms