Habit 4 Think Win- Win Courtney Jurek and Brandi Persutti
Personal Victory FIRST THING TO KNOW…THIS IS NOT SELFISH!! This is the first step to habit 4 and if you fail to do this, then the habit will not be successful. The first three habits lead up to this. Before you and the other person celebrate the victory, you have to celebrate within yourself
The Totem-Pole Win- Lose Being at the top of a Totem-Pole means that you are on top, or more advanced to others. Always like a competition, where you try to win, making the other side of the argument lose. Will always end up bringing people down Becoming jealous and envious when something good happens to someone else In the end this always backfires
The Doormat Lose- Win Being a doormat means you take blame It doesn’t have to be your fault Seems right in the moment Letting others walk over you Its never right in the end Like controlling You're having people step over you like your nothing
Downward Spiral Lose- Lose You both lose You’re being a follower, not a leader(Peer pressure) If one goes down, the other goes down with them(Domino Effect) Loss in relationships You may think you win, but you really lose Everyone in the situation falls
All You Can Eat Buffet Win- Win THIS IS THE BEST SOLUTION!! Everyone wins Lots of success to go around When you have this occur in your life, both sides are happy Everyone is treated the same You may have to cut something in half, but in the end its worth it!
Avoiding The Tumor Twins Competing with others in an unhealthy way Competing in a way in which you make yourself have more self-worth than someone else. Comparing yourself to others Comparing in physical, mental, and social ways. We’re all different, however no one is better than someone else.
No Deal In some situations, there wont be a solution. No one will win anything Examples: Relationships breaking up Hanging out with your friends Cannot make a date…Move it
Baby Steps 1.Pinpoint the area in which you may be struggling with comparisons the most. 2.If you're an athlete, always show good sportsmanship. 3.If someone may owe you money, or forgot to give you something back, mention it in a friendly approach. 4.Without caring whether or not you win or lose, play a game with others just for fun! 5.Form a study group to share new ideas to prepare for any upcoming tests. You'll do better 6.The next time something good happens to someone you're close with, be happy for them too instead of feeling threatened 7.Think about your general attitude towards life, is it based on Win-Win, Lose-Win, Win-Lose or Lose-Lose thinking? How is this affecting you? 8.Think of a person who you feel is a model of Win-Win. What is it about this person that you admire. 9.If you're in a Lose-Win relationship with someone, then decide what may have to happen to Win, or to go for No Deal and get out of the relationship