Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award Map Reading Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
Maps 2D representation of the ground, showing recognisable features and contour lines.
Types of Maps Orienteering, topographical, park, track & aerial maps.
Map Reading – Map Keys Most maps use symbols to represent certain types of features – eg a little fir tree symbol to indicate a forest. So that everyone can read the map, there must be a “key” which explains what each symbol means.
Margin Information Includes when the map was printed & by whom etc
Map Information Includes keys, scales, North line, Major lines, Minor lines, Point features etc
Map Features: Colours Brown – landforms Blue – water Black – man-made Green – vegetation White – open land
Map Features: Contours Contour lines join all land formations at the same level Closer together contour lines, the steeper the slope Follow the contour line – you won’t be going up or down-hill
Map Features: Thumbing It may help you to mark the map periodically with your current position You can do this by making a mark with your thumb
Map Orientation Orientate the map to the land when you read it – everything on the map goes the same way as on the ground Map pointer – use a blade of grass on the map to show your current position or intended the direction
Map Features: Thumbing It may help you to mark the map periodically with your current position You can do this by making a mark with your thumb
Grid References Used to pinpoint exact locations within a grid square. Eg square 4531 45 46 32 x 31 X is midway between 45 & 46 455 31 & 32 315 Grid reference is 455315