Ewen Ferguson OABP/OABA Guelph April Maximizing Dairy Farm Efficiency
Troubleshooting Farm Problems with Records Not always a problem-validation Records will allow you to ask questions— not give answers Be careful of snapshots—look for history
Records Easily accessible Easily understood Meaningful—believable
Record Use Monitor/troubleshoot Production/components Health/culling Udder health Reproduction Benchmarking—yourself/others List generator To do lists
DC 305 How I use to monitor monthly Things I look at How I make it easy How I use to troubleshoot Look at exceptions Develop action points
Monthly overview: Things I look at Monitor (monitor) Test day summary (tdsum1) “Feeding guide” Herd Repro Inventory 305M graph (grrh305) Test day SCC (highscc)
DIM, peak, components, persistency
Working list: works well in tie stall barns
Making it easy Linked reports!!! Single keystroke Office staff can generate reports
Troubleshooting Monitor/troubleshoot Production/components Health/culling Udder health Reproduction Benchmarking—yourself/others
Production/Components Production: (over time / test day) Herd variations Lactation Group variations Individual variations Components: High/Low BF Ratio
Herd production trends over time (average)
Lactation group trends over time (average)
Production (test day)
Fat and Protein % over time (average)
Butterfat % (test day)
BF Ratio (test day)
Sub Clinical Ketosis (Duffield) Gold Standard—Serum BHBA>1400umol/l Ketotest 100umol/L BHBA in milk (80% sens/spec) Goal: <20% SCK Look at proportion of cows with a protein: fat ratio 4 High Risk Herds:>40% PFR <.75 >10% BCS >4
% Butterfat distribution (graph pctf)
Health/Culling Many health events can be recorded We do a very poor job Missing a large opportunity to improve herd health Need to establish guidelines and disease definition Need to standardize
Events Poorly utilized Get CSR’s to enter (or on farm) Close the loop Get advisor to discuss/comment Very powerful motivator
L %id age dim milk pctf pctp scc disp for (ec=14) (ec=15) dim 12 by stage\da When and why do cows leave the herd?
25% of cows leaving dairy herds in Minnesota between 1999 and 2001, did so in the 1 st 60 days. Godden 2003
Udder Health Sub clinical Excellent reports Passive Clinical Like events—under utilized Active—someone needs to record and enter Need to standardize
OK New Chronic Cured
New <10% Chronic <10% OK 70% Cured 70% Dry Cow
OK Cured Chronic New
Cured Chronic New OK
Reproduction Excellent reports but… under-utilized Pregnancy rates not well understood Need to enter accurate data Need to enter all breedings and confirmed pregnancies Important to monitor
Repro Commands Bredsum\ev50 for lact>0\d280 “v” sets VWP Report Graph Add “r” for regression graph (evr)
Reproduction Goals 50% pregnant by 3 cycles 75% pregnant by 6 cycles <30% open after 10 cycles after VWP
When 50% not yet bred (75 days) or Open (107 days)
*bredsum Can benchmark your herds Will count herds that don’t enter data Need to work with sub-groups
Summary DC 305 –powerful tool Monitor Evaluate Troubleshoot Quality and amount of data important Need more/better repro data Need more event/disease data
Information Overload Sometimes too much information Important to gather just what you need Important to use it, once gathered