Special Education Student Information System Project New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project 1 Welcome to SESIS SESIS TO CAP ERRORS WEBINAR
2 Today’s Agenda - Finalized Document Status Report - Reviewing the Troubleshooting Guide - Reviewing CAP - Correcting an IEP with errors by Amending or Reconvening New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
3 Finalized Document Status Report SESIS now includes a Finalized Document Status Report that enables staff members to track errors that are preventing IEP information from flowing back to CAP. The report shows all documents that are required to flow back to CAP that have been finalized in SESIS, the date they were finalized and their current status. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
4 Finalized Document Status Report The report displays four possible types of document status: - Action Needed – includes a “Go to Troubleshooting” link which takes you to a page that assists in identifying and resolving the problem or problems. - Pending – the document is processing. This status should not last more than a few days. - Known Issue – there was a problem with the document and it is being worked on without the need for your involvement. - Successful – the information has passed to CAP The report is updated on a nightly basis – each day it is opened, staff members will see the most current information. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
5 Finalized Document Status Report Communication An was sent on October 20 th to IEP team members that have one or more finalized documents with errors that are preventing the flow of data to CAP. The provided instructions on how to utilize the report in order to troubleshoot the documents and correct the errors. Typically documents have more than one error needing correction, so be sure to review the entire troubleshooting guide for every document with a status of Action Needed. If you do not have access to CAP (e.g. special education teachers) you must find the CAP person at your school who can help. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
6 Finalized Document Status Report New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
7 Troubleshooting Guide From the report, log into the portal to access the troubleshooting guide. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
8 CAP Screen Example New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
9 Amendment/Reconvene – Considerations Is the case an Annual, Mandated 3-Year, or Reevaluation? The IEP can be amended. Is the case an Initial? The IEP must be reconvened (this is a SESIS constraint). Can this year’s IEP meeting be held now? If you do this you will still see the old IEP showing up as “Action Needed” on the report. Review pages of the SOPM for a complete description of IEP amendments New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
10 Steps for Amending or Reconvening a Finalized IEP The following sections which had state changes on June 30 th need to be regenerated and reviewed before finalizing: Student Needs Related to Special Factors Measurable Annual Goals Recommended Special Education Programs and Services Twelve Month Service and/or program Testing Accommodations Participation in State and District Wide Assessments Special Transportation/Placement Recommendation Summary Page New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
11 A Few Best Practices After finalizing your document, monitor your progress on the report. If you decide to delete an IEP and create another, be sure your process stage is consistent with the original when creating the Notice. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project
12 In Case You’re Wondering …. Why can’t you “just tell me” what’s wrong? - Because there are several systems involved (CAP, SESIS, ATS, SEC) and other “behind the scenes” data systems. Why are there so many steps? - A very high percentage of the affected IEPs have more than one issue and we don’t want people going through this process more than once – especially if it’s going to involve the parents. Why can’t you just fix it for me? - Only members of the IEP team – people who were present at the conference and understand the child’s needs – can determine what the right recommendations are. New York City Department of Education | Special Education Student Information System Project