Workflow that manages concurrent multiuser editors on a single ArcSDE data source Versions represent states or views of the geodatabase Edits are maintained in delta tables until compression
Before: Have single editor in each file geodatabase Notify editors when to disconnect from database Copy edits from the file geodatabases to a staging file geodatabase, then push those to SDE Repeat process for each database After: Multiple editors in same source Run maintenance when all users disconnected
Eliminating dataset duplicates Faster processing times for dataset edits Version control Collaboration
Register data as versioned Create versions and grant privileges Provide training to editors
Default QAQC Named Version
Default Named Version Default User Edit Default Directly 2-Level
Reconcile edits before beginning an edit session Database administration Everyone has to be out of database in order to perform full compression Checking the process_information table was cumbersome (fixed in 10.1) Need elevated permissions to disconnect users
Resolving conflicts Do not reach full compression Locks on the database Deleting tables from the back end Transaction logs become full
Implement versioned editing to more SDE databases Need a more automated QA process Work on automating maintenance scripts as scheduled tasks
Administration tools in ArcGIS Python scripts ArcGIS Diagrammer GDBT for 10.0/10.1 Troubleshoot, monitor, and investigate databases Show Edits Since Reconcile Tool Generates feature class of all edits between versions Edit tracking tool