Consult with the affiliate leadership regarding the NCF Schedule the fair date in collaboration with the LAC Provide overall management and supervision of the fair Designate Event Manager to serve as staff liaison to work with the LAC Manage exhibitor registration and cancellations Assign booth locations Manage national contributors and fulfillment
Handle all vendor contracts and payments Select and contract the exhibit facility Arrange insurance coverage for the event and process claims Select and contract host hotel for exhibitors as needed Arrange on-site medical and security support Work with LAC on hospitality Work with the exhibition facility and decorating company to coordinate the physical arrangements and signage
Create posters, newsletters, directories, press releases, and other promotional materials Promote fair participation to colleges Send promotional materials to area high schools and other organizations Work with the LAC to identify additional marketing opportunities Establish relationship with CVB representative to further promote the fair
Organize preconference or walk through of facility prior to event Supervise contracted staff and monitor vendor fulfillment Process onsite registrations and scanner orders Monitor exhibitor participation Troubleshoot
Aim to have 12 – 16 committee members (No magic number – go with what works for you. But don’t burn out! Delegate when possible) Recruit local professionals with diverse backgrounds (i.e. education, business, media, military, etc…) Make the specifics of this commitment clear (i.e., meetings every month, calls to local media, day-of expectations, etc…) When deciding your schedule pattern (Fall vs. Spring, weekend vs. weekday), solicit comments and suggestions from educational professionals familiar with the area Be sure to keep your NACAC Event Manager in the loop so they can assist with questions and concerns during the planning process
Determine fair hours Serves as main LAC contact for the NACAC liaison Recruits members of the LAC Identify potential fee waiver participants Creates and coordinates various handouts and activities that are handled prior to the fair Manages the LAC budget and possible contributors Responsible for helping to monitor NCF and NACAC guidelines Assists in supervising the fair and troubleshooting problems that arise Chairperson
Begin media blitz to potentia l local sponsor s 7 months prior to fair NACAC will develop and assist with mailing Save the dates approx. 6 months prior NACAC Mails Newsletters & posters to local High schools 2 months prior NACAC Distributes PSA & Press Releases 2 months prior Reach out to community based organizations (i.e. churches, service organizations, etc.) Reach out to Media Outlets for Possible TV/Radio or Print Media Coverage (Before, During or After the fair) Create a social network site Utilize counselor Listservs to reach more student populatio ns Marketing/Publicity
Information Sessions Select Workshop/Info Session Topics Some workshop topic examples include: Financial Aid Understanding Selective Admissions Nontraditional Student Topics (Adult Learners, Transfers and Adult Learners) Historically Black Colleges and Universities Intercollegiate Athletics and the Student/Athlete The Transition from High School to College (Possibly with a panel of both admissions reps and current students) Middle School Students: What they should get out of attending a College Fair Solicit presenters 5 months prior (if you have a fall fair, summer break could affect your planning) Confirm the workshop presenters and the topics 2 months prior to the fair for inclusion in the newsletters Collect cell phone numbers of presenters so they can be reached the day of the fair Take note of workshop attendance numbers for each session to share with the LAC and the NACAC event manager Manage the loud speaker announcements to remind attendees of available workshops
Counseling Center Recruit volunteers from area high school guidance departments, community-based organizations, veteran affairs offices, and community college transfer offices to counsel students at fair Ensure that volunteer counselors are able to speak to students about financial aid Create a list of area counselors to be distributed Draft a counselor “timesheet” so there is adequate coverage throughout the fair Coordinate what printed materials will be needed and manage the telecommunication needs
Work with NACAC event manager to create a menu within the allotted budget Look at last years comments/notes and adjust the order as needed Consider forgoing water bottles for cups that reps can fill up at a water cooler Consider placing a ‘goodie bag’ on each booth for reps Some Facilities will not allow goodie bags of any kind, others might be somewhat lenient Consider concession coupons in lieu of catering if costs are too high Create & distribute a Committee Welcome letter for reps You can thank them for coming and detail the hospitality and concession options available to them (EX: Starbucks is located in…) Consider speaking with the local Convention and Visitors Bureau for free dining guides or maps of the area for distribution Hospitality
Bus reply forms should be sent out approx. 2 – 3 months prior to fair (be mindful of school breaks; NACAC can assist if needed) Using the bus reply form feedback, create a High School Arrival/Departure Schedule to ensure a steady flow of students throughout the fair (not too many/too few students coming and going at the same time) Coordinate the usage of walkie-talkies (or cell phones) and assign person to greet buses Plan for bus parking, unloading and loading – bus lot or staging area? As much as possible, please: 1)Avoid scheduling rival schools at the same time 2)Ask that middle schools come at one designated time Bus reply forms should be sent out approx. 2 – 3 months prior to fair (be mindful of school breaks; NACAC can assist if needed) Using the bus reply form feedback, create a High School Arrival/Departure Schedule to ensure a steady flow of students throughout the fair (not too many/too few students coming and going at the same time) Coordinate the usage of walkie-talkies (or cell phones) and assign person to greet buses Plan for bus parking, unloading and loading – bus lot or staging area? As much as possible, please: 1)Avoid scheduling rival schools at the same time 2)Ask that middle schools come at one designated time Transportation
Volunteers– Recruiting and Coordinating Recruiting Begin soliciting volunteers as early as possible Use parent groups (i.e., PTSAs) to reach new groups of potential volunteers Create flyers or other materials to distribute as a way to make contact Use the your committee connections – try to recruit at high schools, colleges/universities, and businesses that are affiliated with your committee members Coordinating Coordinate volunteer duties and hours Manage those volunteers onsite and ensure adequate coverage in crucial areas (i.e. student registration, material distribution, hospitality, counseling center, information booth and workshops) Recruiting Begin soliciting volunteers as early as possible Use parent groups (i.e., PTSAs) to reach new groups of potential volunteers Create flyers or other materials to distribute as a way to make contact Use the your committee connections – try to recruit at high schools, colleges/universities, and businesses that are affiliated with your committee members Coordinating Coordinate volunteer duties and hours Manage those volunteers onsite and ensure adequate coverage in crucial areas (i.e. student registration, material distribution, hospitality, counseling center, information booth and workshops)
On-Site Coordinator More often than not, this will be the chairperson(s) Review the physical setup of the fair and help troubleshoot issues and anticipate problem areas Assist in the monitoring of bus arrivals/departures and workshops by making announcements, when necessary With the NACAC event manager, ensure the NCF guidelines are enforced and monitor the flow of the fair More often than not, this will be the chairperson(s) Review the physical setup of the fair and help troubleshoot issues and anticipate problem areas Assist in the monitoring of bus arrivals/departures and workshops by making announcements, when necessary With the NACAC event manager, ensure the NCF guidelines are enforced and monitor the flow of the fair
Meet with your committee soon after the fair to discuss the event NACAC will send you survey results What would you do differently? Time and length of Fair Quantity and timing of F&B Volunteer coverage Parking & Transportation Attendance – New marketing initiatives needed? Meet with your committee soon after the fair to discuss the event NACAC will send you survey results What would you do differently? Time and length of Fair Quantity and timing of F&B Volunteer coverage Parking & Transportation Attendance – New marketing initiatives needed?
Susan Makowski, NCF Committee and Atlantic City NCF
Each agreement is valid for a period of 3 years Designates the affiliate as the official host of the fair Affiliate participation at the fair Outlines the service responsibilities of the affiliate Assistance in promoting the fair Assisting the fair chairpersons and LAC in their region if needed Outlines NACAC obligations for affiliate services (specifically, the revenue sharing breakdown)
Provide additional funding for busing students to the fair Recruit additional volunteers to assist the day of the fair Directly contact their members with information regarding the event Example: NJACAC using facebook to get out information about the cancellation of the 2013 Atlantic City NCF Many affiliates designate funds to assist in the planning of the fair. If you have a specific need, the affiliate might be able to help!