G2P Target installation and Beyond. Schedule Pivot before.


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Presentation transcript:

G2P Target installation and Beyond


Pivot before

Pivot bearing area

Pivot with Septum support

Pivot with support and platform

Platform with Septum

Platform with septum and dump

Platform with upper deck

Platform with access platforms and stairs

Fully assembled


Ep before Coming out

Slow raster Going in

Upside down girder before Coming out

Upside down girder after Going In

Long girder before Coming out

Chicane after Going in

Chicane power supply and equipment area

Septum status Final assembly and magnetic field testing

Spectrometer power supply list Q1 regulation modules, opto couplers, right SCRs and coolant lines install SCR temp monitors, install control board extension cables Q2/Q3 Opto couplers, retro fit new SCR banks, Right Q3 transistor replacement, install SCR temp monitors Dipoles Replace SCRs, lead voltage polarity change upgrade, test spare ZFCT, troubleshoot lead voltage protection circuit, Flush cooling system, install new lead flow meter controllers, install SCR temp monitors

Detectors Both HRS will be used for electron detections. We will need for both arms to have : VDCs, S1/S2, Gas Cherenkov and Lead-glass Shower/Per-shower (pion rejectors). In addition, we plan to have a simple 3rd arm: A small dE (thin scientillators, ~5mm) and E (Thick scinetillators, ~5 cm) detectors. It will be used for monitoring the product of the beam and target polarization by monitoring the elastic asymmetries.

Cryo system Warm up both spectrometers Pump all magnets pump all cryo lines Replace Q1 JT valve heads with JLab valves Replace dipole LN2 probes Replace magnet pressure gauges Repair left Q1 leads Replace left Q1 vacuum seals Replace all Q1 110 vac plugs due to radiation damage Calibrate Ln2 LL probes Calibrate weka valves Repair dipole He LL probe Replace ball valves on magnet cryo bypass lines Repair right Q2 LN2 valve Remove Moeller U tube from pivot Remove Y can from left Q1

LCW list with manifold pix Hard manifold to BB power supply to new regulator and distribution manifold to accommodate Big Box and the FZ magnet power supplies. New distribution manifold at the pivot to accommodate the FZ magnets and the resistor magnet

Power list New power distribution box to accommodate FZ power supplies and target vacuum cart

Engineering Division Interaction Interaction has been very good so far and I believe that we can maintain communication and coordination through the 7:45 and Wednesday meetings.

What we have done before Installation of the septum magnet system (less the 3 rd set of coils) The septum support stand has been used several times Target chamber used in Hall C Target used in Hall C and reworked and tested in the Target lab

Concerns Target operational readiness The effect of this is obvious. Lock down of experiment parameters We still seem to be changing the experiment parameters. LCW capacity due to 2 additional power supplies and 3 additional magnets We are adding another tap from the main line and 2 new manifolds on the old line but this needs to be looked at and we are working with Robin on this. We are also looking at boot pumps. Alignment support This will be a bottleneck for everybody even with the resource leveling that was done and will need to be watched closely. We will have major space constraints on the upper platform
