How to Program the Bypass Tray on most Sharp Models
In order to print to certain paper types correctly. We must program the machine to know what size and type paper it is using. This will ensure that you get the highest quality prints. This guide will show you how to program the bypass tray to use cardstock, envelopes, labels, etc.
In copy mode. You can see the bypass tray on the right side of the machines graphic. Right now it is set to “Plain” but what if we wanted to use envelopes instead? To the right of the touch screen, push the “System Settings” button
On the “System Settings” screen, push the “Paper Tray Settings” button.
On this screen, push the “Tray Settings” button
On this screen, we can switch between which tray we want to program. We need to switch to the bypass tray in order to program it. I have where it says “Tray 1” highlighted in the example above. Push the down arrow on the right of the screen. I have this button highlighted
Now you should see “Bypass” on the top of the screen. I have this highlighted above. Push the “Change” button. I have this button highlighted in the example above.
In the “Type” section, hit the down arrow and now we can see a list of the different paper types that the bypass tray can be set to. In this example, I am going to set the bypass tray to “Envelope” Use this scroll bar or the Arrows to navigate the Menu to find what paper Type you want to set The bypass tray to
Now I am going to choose what size I want to set it to. In this example I am Going to use “COM-10”
Push the “OK” button and it should take you back to the previous screen.
Now I have programmed the bypass tray to use “Envelopes” and set the size to “COM-10.” Push the CA key on the keypad to take you back to the main “copy” screen. I have this button highlighted in the example to the right.
In the example above, you can see that “Envelope” is on the bypass tray. The arrow is pointing to this. Congratulations! you have now programmed the bypass tray! In order to print to this tray, we must now also Update the printer driver so that the computer can print to it correctly.
Back at your PC, open the “Start Menu” and click on “Devices and Printers” to open the printers menu.
Right click on the icon of your copier and click “Printer properties”
This window will open up as seen to the left. Click on “Configuration” and it will take you to the window on the right. On this screen click on “Auto Configuration” and you will see a short loading screen.
Click on all the button the arrows or hands are pointing to. Then click “OK” and this screen will close. Click on “Set Tray Status” and you can see that Paper Source is set to “Bypass Tray,” Paper Size is set to “COM-10” and Paper Tray is Set to “Envelope” This indicates that the bypass tray is programmed correctly to what I want it to print to. The slides will cover how to select the bypass tray when sending a print.
In this example, I am using Microsoft Word. Click “File” then “Print”
This window will open. Make sure your sharp printer is selected in “Name” then click “properties”
This window will open up as seen above to the left. Click on the “Bypass Tray” and it will highlight as seen here indicating that it has been selected. Click “OK” and click “OK” again on the previous screen and it should print from the bypass tray. Congratulations! You have now successfully programmed the bypass tray!