Instructors: Sgt.Caudle M240B/H PMI Instructors: Sgt.Caudle
Task: To conduct PMI on the M240B/H. Conditions:Given a classroom environment and M240B/H as a learning tool. Standards:Soldiers will be able to perform basic procedures on the M240B/H and have a basic knowledge of the weapon.
Loading & clearing Weapon malfunctions(P.O.P.S.) Safe & Fire WEAPON SPECIFICATIONS
Loading When loading the M240B/H make sure that the weapon is pointed in a safe direction. Charge the bolt to the rear and place the weapon on SAFE. Open the feed tray cover and inspect to make sure there is no debris that will interfere with the ammunition. Slide the belt of ammunition onto the feed tray. Ammunition should be brass side down when loading.
Loading the M240B
Loading Close the feed tray and insure that the ammo is locked into the weapon and is not sliding back out. Place the weapon on fire. The weapon fires in the open bolt position.
Clearing Make sure bolt is to the rear and that the weapon is on SAFE. Open the feed tray cover (Remove belt if ammunition is remaining). With two fingers, sweep the feed tray clear of any remaining brass or link. Lift the feed tray up and inspect the chamber to insure that the weapon is CLEAR.
Clearing the M240B
Clearing After insuring that the weapon is CLEAR, place the weapon on fire. Grab the charging handle palm down, squeeze the trigger and slowly ride the bolt forward until the bolt is snug against the chamber.
Weapon Malfunctions P.O.P.S. (Pull, Observe, Push, and Squeeze) is the method to correct a malfunction on an M240B/H. It is the automatic weapon’s version of S.P.O.R.T.S.
Weapon Malfunctions Pull the charging handle to the rear to eject the malfunctioning round Observe the round leaving the weapon. Push the charging handle forward to lock the charging handle grip. Squeeze the trigger to fire the next round.
Safe & Fire To place the weapon on safe the bolt has to be charged to the rear. The weapon can be placed on fire no matter what position the bolt is in. When turning the M240B/H in to the Armorer, the bolt should be to the front, the weapon on fire, and CLEAR.
Weapon Specifications Linked 7.62mm Types of Ammunition
Disassembled M240B
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