Precission Dental Impression Tray System
Features Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choise of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for Implantology Low cost of management
Features Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choise of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for Implantology Low cost of management
Preciser impressions The tray DTS is realized in non toxic plastic material. The rigid support in stainless steel avoid the danger of twistings and ensures the gratest precision or reading whatever is the material used for the tray.
Features Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choice of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for implantology Low cost of management
Greatest care for the patient DTS is sealed inside a hygienic bag which can be opened in front of the patient. Choosing this tray which differs from the grey ruined traditional tray, will show both,you care and antention for the patient and will avoid crossed infections determination.
Features Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choice of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for implantology Low cost of management
A large choice of the coulors The tray and the DTS carriers are yellow,blue,orange,and are available in three measures for both lower and upper arch. Each measure has a different color and fits right in the corresponding coloured circle placed on the stainless steel support.
Features Preciser impression Greatest care for the patient A large choice of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for implantology Low cost of management
No maintenance procedures Preciser and more functional than a common mould holder, DTS puts an end to all problems and maintenance expenses of spoon that return from the laboratory. Thus avoing the procedures of cleaniness and sterilization you’ll save time and money
Fuatures Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choice of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for implantology Low cost of management
Costumizable for every requirement Easily mouldable with the heat of the flame, DTS rapidly adapt to the morphological conformation of the patient’s mouth. Its anatomical shape, make it confortable and functional.
Features Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choice of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirements Also for implantology Low costs of management
Also for implantology The implant carrier is recognizable by the open central area so to let the passage of the transfer and to avoid wait and cost of individual tray.
Also for implantology This advanced implant carrier, will be for the dentist a safe precision device for final mould.
Features Preciser impressions Greatest care for the patient A large choice of colours No maintenance procedures Customizable for every requirement Also for implantology Low cost of management
You’ll save up to about 20-25% of material for each tray with this new anatomical Dental Tray System. If we consider that the material for an impression has a cost of about R 75,00 25%of saving is equal to R The tray DTS does not represent therefore a cost for the dentist Only Only R each
To begin … Starter Kit K72 Starter Kit K72 72 Assorted tray 12 For every size 6 Assorted stainless steel supports R Incl.VAT
To continue … Refills Refills Box of 36pc R Incl.VAT R13.94, each.
Accessories … Carrier holder Carrier holder The new carrier holder in plexiglass, to find immediatly and with easiness the right support Price: R Incl.VAT
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