Delivery Programme Indoor Work Method Improvement Principles Overview
INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES To complete a clean and tidy by staff in the unit wherever possible.
A review to improve unit layout to optimise mail flow and minimise staff movement (inc. any minor cost effective building changes to create space for new equipment) The creation of clear lines of flow and visualisation of work status for Managers, together with clearly defined storage areas, walkways and work areas INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES cont…
Introduction of improved IPS arrangements, backless letters/flat fittings, where space permits, and portering arrangements to keep people sorting and minimise movement Introduction of Mini sleeved York's packet sortation, where space permits and practicable Within MPUs, introduction of an optimised flow of sequenced mail from CSS to prep, based around the work undertaken in Taunton Introduction of a consistent approach to measurement & display and performance management, focussed around common data sets, including daily ‘huddles’ with staff on performance.
Removal of unnecessary equipment, materials or stores General and deep tidy up of all operational areas to remove waste & dirt Provision of designated storage areas & equipment for all operational consumables Clear defined storage areas and mail staging areas – a place for everything INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – CLEAN AND TIDY
Removal of unnecessary kit, equipment and stores taking up space Critical review of numbers of fittings required for the operation There may be some simple cost effective building modifications possible to create space: –Internal offices – review the need or better utilisation to remove equipment or other materials from operational areas. –Removal of non load bearing walls to open out space and improve flow –Access & egress points to improve flow –Any changes must be costs effective (cost / deployment benefit ratio) INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – CREATING SPACE
Main transfer routes should have marked gangways and need to be kept clear during the operational period. Space and clear lines of flow to be created to feed CSS machines and from those to the preparation areas and out to dependent Dos Where mini-yorks are provided, these will be used to convey mail from IPS to Prep, and Prep to delivery vehicles INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – MAIL MOVEMENT
Designated mail storage and staging areas to be provided for all key work areas Mini york storage and or staging locations to be provided in layout, where mini yorks are deployed In reviewing layout ensure fire exits are not impeded and consider any impacts on lighting & security camera coverage need to be considered INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – WORK AREAS
Clearly marked mail storage & staging areas to allow full visualisation of mail on hand/to be processed Specific storage/staging for the following: Mail awaiting processing through IPS – separate lanes for letters, large letters and packets Specific staging behind individual IPS frames to allow setting out pre IPS start and minimum disruption to sorting process Mail awaiting processing through CSS Mail awaiting transfer from CSS to dependent DOs Clearly marked operational areas along key lines of flow and walkways – consistent colouring convention: Walkways – Green Staging and Mini York positions - Yellow Storage – Blue INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – VISUALS
When York's are pushed into the office they are put in lanes (Letters, Flats, Packets). This allows accurate measure of traffic and assessment of resource needs for day in each inward sort area.
Flow Control – staging areas Behind each IPS fitting
Improved IPS arrangements: Move away from lots of staff doing a small time onto IPS to clearly defined roles – one per required number of fittings Need to ensure arrangements can cater for learning curve & peak periods Supporting processes: Mail set out equally/fairly before IPS start by porter roles – designated staging behind each fitting Use of Backless Greenock fittings to enable letters and large letters to be sorted on the same fitting; where space allows Clear labelling on fitting (back & front) for greatest efficiency IPS frame Fillets may require relabeling after DM revision INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – SORTING
Backless IPS Greenock fitting
Introduction of portering arrangements to feed/clear down IPS process and to ensure consistent flow of mail to prep process IPS feed: Required to start ahead of IPS in order to set out work for process & ensure consistent head of work - where all work cannot be set out before commencement, continue to feed IPS sorters as required IPS clear down & feed to prep: IPS aligned to prep to ensure sufficient head of work and flow to prevent breaks in mail availability Clearance from back of fitting to minimise any disruption to sorting into trays utilising new porter tray trolley Where backless fitting not possible, porter roles clear from front, minimising movement of IPS staff to Prep Mail fed to prep areas to avoid staff having to come and collect mail from IPS – critical to schedule sufficient porter resource to maintain that flow Resourcing the movement of mail to prep - consideration can be given to a number of options including dedicated porters, porters who rotate on a daily / weekly basis with another indoor task (s) or by specifically identifying individual (s)/duties on IPS INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – PORTERING
Where possible introduction of packet sortation into Mini York's: Removal of DBF/bag operations with associated lifting & manual handling risk reduction Reduces number of movement required between packet sortation and prep areas Enables Mini York to be used to convey packets to prep area & then out to vans (where appropriate) Space hungry potentially, so may not be possible in all units – critical therefore to review and minimise selections INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – PACKETS
Mini York selection for each walk – clearly marked for ease of sortation/identification Designated & marked space in bullring Container used to transfer packets to prep area (evaluating whether porter or prep staff on single trip) Designated space in prep area for the Mini York Individual responsibility to return Mini York to designated space in sortation bullring INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – PACKETS
Mini York based packet sort bull ring
Dedicated location in bullring for each walk, clearly marked on floor
Maximise feed of mail to preparation areas therefore minimising need for staff to collect mail: Portering of feed from letters & large letter areas Sequenced flow of mail from CSS Flow from packets – evaluating whether porter or single trip from prep staff is optimum Place for Mini Yorks Maximise feed to staff INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – MOVEMENT
Once mail has been sorted and cleared down to trays, it is labelled and placed into York's which match the prep frame aisles. This reduces time spent to collect or look within a York for your tray
Clear visual displays on the floor shows where each bit of equipment should be placed
Impact of prep frame layouts and new walk design incorporated (extra wings etc) Planned and designated areas highlighted for Mini Yorks Storage for pouches, D2D and consumables: Ideally individual or shared cabinets, space permitting Under frame storage for units without space for cabinets INDOOR WORK METHOD IMPROVEMENT PRINCIPLES – LAYOUT
Clean & tidy area with designated storage