1 Part II Proposition of locations of cable trays
2 RJ11 cables to RasLED Down Middle (DM) 4 * RJ11 connectors Proposition of labeling RASNIK lines and cables: C-frame plane number (1-6), C-frame side (Long/Short) - corner (Up/Down)( Middle/Side) e.g. 4L-UM 4 cables in cable chain Up Middle (UM) Up Side (US) Down Side (DS) RasLED
3 Cable chain MST HV cables Gas lines LV cables + RASNIK
4 Side view cable chains Moving 4000mm bunker C-frame Frame on top platform Cryo zone
cables CCD-RasMux – front view 6 #4 - number of cables in tray - number of CCDs #13 #6#6 # #6 #7 #13#13 #12 cryogenics #2 / #17 #2 / #29 “loops” only on 2 nd pillar *45mm for every duct with <= 18 cables in it for #24 cables *90mm patch panels for 12 upper lines patch panels for 12 upper lines 1 1
6 RJ45 cables CCD-RasMux – top view 4 #4 number of cables in tray number of CCDs cable trays on bridge cryogenics ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1 ST2 ST3 #8 #2 #12 pillars #17# RICH2 magnet #17#17 +(#13) #12 +(#13) #13#13 2# #29#29 ST1 ST2 ST3 ST1 ST2 ST3 #8 #3 #6#6 pillars #13 pillars RICH2 magnet #7 #13#13 #6#6 cryogenics 1 1 cable trays under table
7 CCD cables on table - top view 2 #4 - number of cables in tray - number of CCDs #12 below table ~176 This is table below shorter C-Frames Q02 2 nd pillar RICH2 magnet
RasMuxes & MasterMux ~266mm RasMux 80*225*~45mm 8 LED cables and 8 CCD cables from two Q02 C-frames or else two Q13 C-frames ~266mm ~483mm MasterMux Station 1 BridgeStation 3Station 2 to MMX ~483mm panel with RasMuxes on both sides
9 Location of 7 RasMuxes & MasterMux in “Racks” up to 100m cable TopMux framegrabber in PC tunnel - top view 4730 ~7m ~3m 2m to MMX 10m #25 LED cable #19 CCD cable #25 LED #31 CCD tunnel - side view MMX in OT rack is closer to 2 nd pillar then to 1 st pillar, so most of cables on 2 nd pillar 1st 2nd 1.3m OT rack A4 4 MMX 3 MMX OT rack A14 tunnel front view D3D05 rack in counting room screen