Seeds, Separation, and Cuttings By: Vaughn Anderson
This Powerpoint presentation provides answers for question 1-5 on the Plant Propagation Quiz.
Seeds Bottom Tray with Holes.
Seeds Bottom Tray with 1” to ½” of potting soil added.
Seeds Top tray with round holes, filled with potting soil. Top tray placed over bottom tray on top of the potting soil.
Seeds Select seeds to put in top tray.
Seeds Place one seed on top of the potting soil in each filled hole of top tray.
Seeds Cover seeds with 1/8” to ¼” of potting soil.
Seeds Write name of plant on label in PENCIL.
Seeds For example: A variety of tomatoes is BIG BEEF. The tag must be labeled BIG BEEF. It is NOT Necessary to write Tomato on the label.
Seeds Water thoroughly and lightly with a sprinkling can.
Seeds Store in warm place in the light. Some seeds require darkness.
Separation The next slides show you how to propagate plants by the separation method,
Separation Select pot with several plants in it.
Separation Depot.
Separation Tear individual plants apart.
Separation Replant individual plants one plant per pot.
Separation Water each newly potted plant thoroughly.
Separation Store in a location best suited for the particular kind of plant.
Cuttings The next slides explain how to propagate plants by cuttings.
Cuttings Select and cut one year old growth only.
Cuttings Cutting one year old growth.
Cuttings Cutting one year old growth.
Cuttings Remove Leaves if necessary.
Cuttings One year cuttings to ready to be propagated.
Cuttings Dip cuttings in rooting hormone.
Cuttings Holes in pot allow air into the bottom. Select a pot with holes in the bottom.
Cuttings Adds mycorrhizae to rooting area. Provides air space for ventilation
Cuttings Perlite holds moisture and air. Fill pot with Perlite.
Cuttings Push each cutting down through the perlite to the pine needles.
Cuttings Trim to 1’ to 2’ high.
Cuttings Water thoroughly.
Cuttings Store in cool place.
This completes questions 1 to 4. End of Part I Plant Propagation Quiz