W EDNESDAY O CTOBER 8 TH A- DAY T HURSDAY O CTOBER 9 TH B- DAY Warm Up Character Analysis Summative Vocab Formative Writing Workshop Book Fair
W ARM UP : I N YOUR JOURNAL WRITE THE QUESTION AND YOUR ANSWER “I had the worst day ever in the history of the world” is an example of A. Personification B. Hyperbole C. Simile “Buzz” is an example of an A. Metaphor B. Onomontapia C.Personification “Love is like a warm embrace” is an example of A. Metaphor B. Alliteration C. Simile Write an example of personification Ex: My bed was begging me to stay underneath the warm covers, but my alarm clock was screaming for me to get up
A NSWERS “I had the worst day ever in the history of the world” is an example of A. Personification B. Hyperbole C. Simile “Buzz” is an example of an A. Metaphor B. Onomontapia C.Personification “Love is like a warm embrace” is an example of A. Metaphor B. Alliteration C. Simile Write an example of personification
C HARACTER A NALYSIS S UMMATIVE Please use a #2 pencil, if you don’t have one I have extras Do not write on the class set of the quiz If you would like a copy of the readings to highlight and write on please let me know Read silently When you are finished: put your answer sheets in the tray Stack your exams in front of the tray If you wrote on a copy of the reading please turn that in as well Read silently
W RITING W ORKSHOP Vocab Formative Remember to read the directions We will discuss them next class Put in the tray when you are finished When you finish turn it in and continue working on your writing Remember your final memoir and character paragraph are due NEXT week
W RITING Suggestions for using your time wisely Have a partner read your draft before you begin your final copy Look at the comments I left Use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words Review your rules of effectively using dialogue