Presented by: Ms. N. Mapholi (MSc in Genetics) The application of DNA technology in Animal Forensic and Parentage Determination Presented by: Ms. N. Mapholi (MSc in Genetics)
ARC-API: Animal Genetics Lab Animal forensics in livestock and game poaching Cattle and horse DNA profiling and Parentage Determination Species Identification on meat and process meat Genetic Characterization Genetic Defects tests LIDCAT system Gene mapping and linkage studies
Technologies Genotyping Real time PCR Microsatellites marker panels Species specifics panels Real time PCR Primer designed kits SNPs assays
FORENSIC WORK Stock theft and poaching Microsatellites markers Link the crime scene and the suspect DNA evidences obtained Parentage dispute cases Different marker panels Bovine, Horse, Ovine, Goat, Porcine, Buffalo, Impala, Kudu, Wildebeest, Eland, Sable, Rhino and Blesbok
Chain of custody Herd of sheep Crime scene New case 3130xL Gene scan Thermal cycler DNA extract DNA Samples
Results Interpretation Court Results Interpretation DNA Report Jail Judgement
Parentage dispute DNA samples from both parents and calf Alleged mothers and dispute calf It is important to take note that in the absence of either parent (bull or cow) paternity cannot be proven. Only when both parents are analyzed it can be proven beyond doubt that the parents are the real biological parents of the offspring in question
Parentage dispute Inclusion/ exclusion as possible mothers Cow 1 Cow 2 Calf 1?
… Procedure of sampling hair Hair Samples PCR tubes PCR tray Genetic analyzer PCR machine
DNA profiling Service rendered to the breed societies and stud breeders for bovine and horses DNA profiling certificates are issued Parentage determination for breeding and selection purpose Buffalo DNA profiling – this is new and still building the database
Real Time PCR DNA based technology Species identification on meat and processed meat products biltong, wors, patties, sausages, mince meat, Vienna Species specific primer designed kits SNP Assays for genetic defects tests in bovine and porcine Dexter chondodysplasia and Malignant hyperthermia
Genetic characterization Most of livestock species haven been characterized in our lab using microsatellites markers Several multiplexes have been developed and optimized in our lab
LIDCAT DATABASE Lidcat package – for tail hair collection
Information needed on LIDCAT system Animal ID (ear tag number) Species (cattle) Breed (Nguni) Gender (female or male) Name of the owner (Olivia Mapholi) Postal address of owner Contact numbers
Contact details Ms. Olivia Mapholi Tel : 012 672 9027/ 9008/ 9187 Fax: 012 672 9214 Email:
Thank you Any questions?