全口义齿印模 (Impression of complete denture)
1. Classification of impression
According to impression times Primary impression method (一次印模) Secondary impression method (combined impression) (二次印模法又称联合印模法)
According to the patient mouth (open or close) Open-mouth impression (开口式印模) Close-mouth impression (闭口式印模)
According the press to the mucosa Mucostatic impression technique(粘膜静止式印模) Mucodynamic impression(粘膜运动式印模)
2.Method and procedure of making impression of complete denture
Preparation (stock trays selection)
Making preliminary impression
The fabrication of custom trays
Buccal border modeling (颊部边缘修整)
labial border modeling (唇部边缘修整)
posterior border modeling (后部边缘修整)
颊系带 Buccal frenum 舌侧翼缘区 Lingual flange area 后部边缘封闭区 Posterior seal border 唇系带 Labial frenum 颊侧翼缘区 Buccal flange area
Another kind of method to make custom tray
Making final impression
3. Requirement of the impression The tissues should be pressed evenly. Enlarge the impression areas appropriately. Making functional impression Keep the stable position.
模型(model or cast)
Requirement of the cast Border width 3-5mm There should be about 10mm of the stone in the thinnest part The posterior border of the upper cast was at least 2mm posteriorly to palatine fovea At least 10 mm length from the anterior part of the retromolar pad
Pouring the cast Boxing method
General method
Treatment of post-dam area