The Role of The Shipboard FIRE MARSHAL VIGILANCE The Role of The Shipboard FIRE MARSHAL
Fire Marshal Definition The fire marshal (FM) is designated to aid the damage control assistant (DCA) in the prevention and the fighting of fires (NSTM 555 Volume 1, Surface Ship Firefighting). To accomplish this, he or she must be thoroughly familiar with the ship plans, compartmentation, shipboard work packages and projects, and always looking for potential fire hazards or dangers within the ship. Duty fire marshals are assistant fire marshals that are appointed for each inport duty section and while underway to perform the same function. The fire marshal will be designated in writing by the CO and will remain free of all other duties that would inhibit responding instantaneously to emergencies. 02
Duties & Responsibilities All ships shall have a designated FM to assist the Engineer. The FM will aid the DCA in the training of personnel in fire prevention and fighting of fires. 03
Fire Marshal Qualifications The Fire Marshal shall be a qualified DCTT member to ensure consistency of inspections. The Fire Marshal is overall in charge of the Rapid Response Team/Flying Squad and will remain on scene until relieved by the scene leader. Missing 04
Duties Conduct a daily inspection throughout the ship paying particular attention to: House keeping Trash Receptacles Storeroom stowage Proper stowage of flam liquids/haz-mat Incinerator Room stowage 05
Fire Stations, Extinguishers, Installed Systems Firefighting equipment Missing items Completeness of station Conditions of hoses, wrenches & nozzles Safety Precautions Properly posted & updated Spanner wrench Hoses on deck 06
Fire Hazards Flam Liquids Proper stowage Smoking Regulations posted & enforced (butt disposal) Welding and Burning Gas free/hot work certificate posted (date and time) Stowage of compressed gas Tight connections/proper covers & caps Properly secured 07
Fire Watch The Fire Marshal shall train all fire watches IAW NAVEDTRA 43119-J PQS Standards DC, 108 & 304 Obtain Equipment & PPE (eye, respiratory, hearing), Extinguisher, Gloves etc Pre Work Inspection Communications Surveillance Post Work Inspection Response to abnormal conditions 08
Gaylord hoods that are not clean are a fire waiting to happen. Galley Specifics Gaylord Hood Fume tight/Explosive Proof light caps Grease filters & traps empty & clean (daily) APC system Inspection tags and PMS up to date. Activation areas unobstructed Gaylord hoods that are not clean are a fire waiting to happen. 09
Throughout all Compartments Ventilation/Air conditioning ducts flam stowage ventilation Ducts clean Inspection covers in place Air flow indicators operative Material Condition Properly set to resist fire & flooding spread. DC Closure & INOP Fitting Logs current X-Ray Not set 10
Debris discovered in a ships ventilation system during a Fire Marshal Investigation. The investigation was conducted after a significant fire occurred on another vessel in which cigarette butts in the ventilation system were a major contributing factor. 11
Requirements in Drydock **All requirements from NSTM 997 Maintain a Dry Weight Log (Approximately 500 lbs or more) Each Skin Valve Blank Flanged Permission Granted for ALL Overboard Discharges Conduct Fire Drills / Use of Firemain & VITAL SYSTEMS FM pressure to be verified from farthest and highest plug from riser! **All requirements from NSTM 997 12
Think there are fire hazards here…? Every Officer and every Chief should be a fire marshal. Not only making rounds in the ship, but around and under the ship as well. Think there are fire hazards here…? 13
**Know your ship’s Fire Prevention & Fire Marshal instructions** The Fire Marshal will submit reports citing fire hazards & make recommendations for correction. Immediate steps should be taken to eliminate hazards resulting from poor housekeeping, hot work, smoking & equipment deficiencies. **Know your ship’s Fire Prevention & Fire Marshal instructions** 14
References NSTM 555 V1- Surface Ship Firefighting NTTP 3-20.31- Surface Ship Survivability NSTM 074 V1- Welding & Allied Processes Army Reg 56-9, Surface Transportation - Watercraft Gas Free Engineer & Fire Marshal webpage NAVEDTRA 43119-4F PQS Standards DC Watches, Section 304 NSTM 074 V3- Gas Free Engineering (USCG) COMDTINST 9000.6- Naval Engineering Manual chpts 077, 079, 555 (USCG) COMDTINST 9555.1B- MSFD At the NAVSEA Gas Free/Fire Marshal web page select the index for the particular unit you are interested in. This will bring up the main page. The Fire Marshal page contains multiple Fire Marshal Tips. Tip number 005 will take you to a page containing useful forms for everything from CCOL inspections to the Fire Marshal’s daily report. 15