Capital City Fire/Rescue Fire Marshal’s Office
Sprinkler System Plans (Submit 3 sets of plans) Fire Suppression Systems Review apparatus and emergency access Ensure project meets Fire & Life safety requirements
2009 IFC Adopted by CBJ 2012 IFC To be adopted by State Fire Marshal 2015 CBJ + ALASKA STATE FIRE MARSHAL Amendments TITLE 19 Referenced Standard
Fire Apparatus Roads Minimum width of 20 feet Dead-End Fire Apparatus Access Roads Requirements: 150’ or less No turnaround required 151’ -500’ 120’ hammerhead, 60’ “Y”, or 96’ diameter cul-de-sac
Options available for fire apparatus turnaround
Minimum Required Fire-Flow (gpm) depends upon Construction Type & Square Footage Hydrant Location, Distribution and Spacing depend upon Fire-Flow Requirement (gpm) Example: A 4,000 sq.ft., Type V-B building has a Fire-Flow of 2,000 gpm. A 2,000 gpm Fire-Flow requires a minimum of 2 hydrants, spaced no more then 450, with a 225 ’maximum distance on road frontage to a hydrant to a hydrant
NFPA 13R requirements provide for a level of protection that allows occupants to escape a building in the event of a fire. NFPA 13 provides protection to not only get people out to safety, but also to control or extinguish the fire – saving the building and its contents.
Sprinkler systems with 20 or more heads are required to be monitored by a fire alarm.
Knox Box required for any Structure that has a suppression or fire alarm system Knox-Vault meets both shunt trip requirement AND Knox Box requirement for new construction.
FDC Any Fire Department Connection shall be marked with FDC sign FIRE LANE shall be marked with signage indicating “NO PARKING – FIRE LANE”
Fire Department Connections shall be protected with approved locking caps
Capital City Fire/Rescue Fire Marshal’s Office 820 Glacier Avenue Juneau, AK (907) Fire Marshal Dan Jager Deputy Fire Marshal Sven Pearson Visit our webpage on the CBJ Website: