George Marshall (Only take notes on pages with a * in the title)
Early Career (December 31, 1880 – October 16, 1959) Chief of Staff of the Army(1939 to 1945) Secretary of State(1947 to 1949) Enrolled at Virginia Military Institute Graduated as Senior First Captain of the Corps of Cadets
During World War One No matter the post he distinguished himself over the next 9 years He was appointed to General Staff When we joined the war he sailed to France with the First Division He exceeded in the battles of Cantigny, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, and Meuse- Argonne.
Post WWI Instructed at the Army War College in 1927 Assistant commandant of the Infantry School (1927 to 1932) Named General Chief of Staff in September, 1939 by Franklin D. Roosevelt He was named America’s Foremost Soldier
*Post WWII Europe* Western Europe was in chaos. Many factories were destroyed. Millions of poor were living in refugee camps. Poverty and unemployment grew exponentially. Harsh winter in caused crops, water supply, and fuel to be cut off.
*Marshall’s Plan* Proposed plan to aid any countries in Europe rebuilding from the destruction of WWII Required European countries to cooperate to develop common plan for recovery. Soviet Union refused to participate
*Promoting Marshal's plan* United States gave 13 billion in aid to 16 countries within 1947 and Goal = stable market based economies that would promote democratic institutions. By mid 1950s most countries of western Europe were U.S. allies. West Germany brought back into the rebuilt of European community.
*Importance to U.S. Economy* Marshal plan prevented U.S. from going back to depression. Much money from marshal plan was spent on American goods transported in American ships. Helped the U.S. maintain strong economy and world economic leadership.
*Europe and the U.S.* Promoted strong trade between Europe and the U.S. Europe became favorable place for American investment. Strengthened capitalism as economic system against soviet communism. Communism less appealed to European voters when democracy resulted in great economic conditions.