What’s On Your Wall? Introduction Department of Public Safety Division of Fire and Life Safety
What’s on your Wall? The Dos and Don’ts of School Fire Prevention for Teachers
Overview Rooms Walls Hallways Storage Sprinklers Alarms Exits
Rooms Do Don’t
Rooms Do Don’t
Walls Code Reference §F Artwork and teaching materials shall be limited on the walls of corridors to not more than 20 percent of the wall area
Walls DoDon’t
Walls Do Don’t
Hallways Code Reference §F Clothing and personal effects shall not be stored in corridors and lobbies
Hallways DoDon’t
Hallways DoDon’t
Storage Code Reference §F Combustible material shall not be stored in boiler rooms, mechanical rooms or electrical equipment rooms
Storage Do Don’t
Storage DoDon’t
Fire Sprinklers Code Reference §F Storage shall be maintained: 2 feet below the ceiling or 18 inches below sprinkler head deflectors
Fire Sprinklers DoDon’t
Fire Sprinklers DoDon’t
Fire Alarms DoDon’t
Exits EGRESS §F1011 A means of egress shall be free from obstructions, including the accumulation of snow and ice
Exits EGRESS §F1011 Furnishings, decorations or other objects shall not be placed so as to obstruct exits Hangings shall not be placed over exit doors or otherwise be located to conceal an exit. Mirrors shall not be placed on or adjacent to any exit
Exits DoDon’t
Exits DoDon’t
Exits DoDon’t
13AAC The State Fire Marshal’s Office has the authority: Where Not Specifically Mentioned in the Fire Code, the following dangerous conditions or materials must be remedied. dangerous amounts of combustible, explosive, or otherwise hazardous materials dangerous accumulations of decorations, rubbish, wastepaper, boxes, shavings, or combustible or flammable liquids or materials
13AAC Continued: accumulations of dust or waste materials in air conditioning or ventilating systems or of grease in kitchen or other exhaust ducts a building or structure which because of a lack of repairs, adequate exit facilities, automatic or other fire-alarm apparatus or fire-extinguishing equipment, or any other cause including age, is hazardous
13AAC Continued: any other condition that violates this chapter, and which the state fire marshal finds is hazardous.
Code Reference Source Document is International Fire Code 2000
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