2008 NYC Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride March Sunday, June 29, 2008 Welcome to Group Marshal Training! Please find a seat and fill out the identification form. You will need to keep the white copy.
Today’s Agenda I.Introduction II.Formation Area III.March Route IV.“Dispersal Reversal” V.Things to Bring VI.Questions; Permits
I. INTRODUCTION (1 of 2) Arthur Finn, March Director Maurice Michaane, Volunteer Coordinator, Manager Jess Haro Rodriguez, March Manager Sean Bernard, March Manager Jared Markowitz, March Manager
I. INTRODUCTION (2 of 2) What is a “Group Marshal?” -YOU ARE! You are the leader of your contingent. -You must know your Section Number and Line-up time by heart. -You must be prepared to answer any logistics questions from members of your organization. -You are NOT a “Grand” Marshal.
II. Formation Area Group Check-in (walk-up) East side of 52 nd St Floats Rented from BOND West side of 52 nd Floats (non-BOND) and Oversized Vehicles West side of 53 rd
5 II. Formation Area (2 of 6) Section Line-Up Times 5th Avenue should be closed to through traffic by 11:30 AM 52nd Street (Bet 7th and Madison) closed to through traffic by 6:30AM 54th Street (Bet 7th and Madison) closed to through traffic by 8:00AM 53rd & 56th Streets (Bet 6th and Madison) closed to through traffic by 8:00AM 55th Street is closed (No traffic turning onto 5th Avenue) Only groups and vehicles with HOP Vehicle Permits are allowed onto side streets after 8AM unless otherwise authorized. 57th St. 56th St :15AM 11:00AM 55th St. 54th St :30PMNOON 11:30AM 53rd St :30PM1:00PM Starting Line 52nd St. BOND FLOATS (2)BOND FLOATSVOLUNTEER CHECK-IN opens 9:30AM Madison Avenue FLOATS (Non-Bond) Lead Section 7th Avenue6th Avenue5th Avenue Lead
6 II. FORMATION AREA (3 of 6) 2008 Order of March REMINDER: Within each section, there is a pre-set order. This final “Order of the March” is released on the morning of The March. You must line up in the order specified. Do you remember your group’s section number and location?!
7 II. FORMATION AREA (4 of 6) 1.Check-in at 52 nd St. & 5 th Ave. ONE HOUR before your line-up time. - Must bring white copy of the identification form - Receive T-shirt and final “Order of the March” document - Check in closes at 12:30 PM 2. Line up at your proper section/time. Who here does not yet know in which section they are located? Do not leave here without finding out. - Within section, line up according to the “Order of the March” - Must cooperate with instructions from Section Leaders - No costume changing areas exist!
8 II. FORMATION AREA (5 of 6) 3. Vehicles always line up at their proper section with their groups. 4. Floats, on the other hand, always line up away from their groups. - Marchers report to their proper section away from their floats. - Do you know whether your group has a float as opposed to a vehicle? - If you have a float, do you know whether or not a company called “Bond Floats” rented it to your group?
9 II. FORMATION AREA (6 of 6) 5. Streets that make up the Formation Area (handout) are closed before arrival -Vehicle Permits must be presented to enter closed streets on motorized vehicles. 6. Port-a-Potties are located: - Corner of every block from 52 nd to 56 th St. and 5 th Avenue nd Public Library steps - 24 th Reviewing Stand - Christopher Dispersal
11 III. MARCH ROUTE Christopher and Greenwich Streets Dispersal Area Formation Area 5 th Avenue – 52 nd to 57 th Streets Group Check-In (walk-up) 52 nd Street – East Side of 5 th Avenue 10 AM – 12:30 PM closing
12 III. MARCH ROUTE (3 of 7) 1.Our volunteers will instruct your group when to enter the March Route from the Formation Area. 2.If you have a vehicle, it is already with your group from the moment you lined up. 3.If you have a float, it will meet you at the proper time. - Our volunteer Vehicle Coordinators will “weave” the various floats into the March IN FRONT OF their respective groups.
13 4. Gaps are really bad. Keep your group moving at all times. GAPS III. MARCH ROUTE (4 of 7)
14 III. MARCH ROUTE (5 of 7) 5. Moment of Silence – 2 PM, “Stop Stand, & Remember” - All sounds must be paused by 1:55 PM. Groups that violate this rule will not be permitted to enter a float and/or vehicle in next year’s March. - Listen for announcer and volunteer reminders - Remind your group multiple times - Kindly inform spectators too - End of the Moment of Silence is announced - Quickly get your contingent moving again!
16 III. MARCH ROUTE (6 of 7) 6. Announcers along the route need to see your banner! - 52 nd Step-off - 42 nd Library - 24 th Judges - 8 th Turning Point - Christopher Dispersal th Street - Your bit may be no longer than 60 seconds - Five awards granted for best: Marchers, Music, Decorations, Use of Theme, and Most Original. - No gaps! - Stay on 5 th Avenue in a straight line
24 th Reviewing Stand = STRAIGHT LINE
18 Fifth Ave. narrows -South of 23 rd Street, we lose a lane approximately every 10 blocks to Washington Square. III. MARCH ROUTE (7 of 7) Sharp Turns 5th Ave. onto 8th Street Greenwich Avenue onto Christopher Street Broadway and Fifth Ave. 23rd Street - Lots of hazards here. Floats need to be guided across 23rd St. - 5th Ave. goes to the right!
19 IV. “Dispersal Reversal” Christopher & Greenwich Streets Floats & vehicles go LEFT and then park as far SOUTH along Greenwich Street as possible. Marchers go RIGHT towards Abingdon Sq. & Hudson St. Move your group out of the area as quickly as possible to avoid backing up the March.
20 V. THINGS TO BRING Essentials A WATCH: so you know exactly when the Moment of Silence is. SUNSCREEN SUNGLASSES: Don’t squint – you’ll get wrinkles COMFORTABLE SHOES: Your choice – it’s 4 miles PHOTO ID PEN & PAPER Recommendations ASPIRIN or pain-reliever of choice BAND-AIDS WHISTLE CELL PHONE H2O (we’ll also have bottles at check-in) TISSUES: for portable toilets that have run out of paper BACKPACK: To carry all this stuff in
21 VI. QUESTIONS; PERMITS (1 of 2) - Do you feel prepared to answer questions from your group members? - What steps can you take to make yourself more prepared? - Do you understand how Check-in and the Formation Area works? - Are you aware of the nuances of this year’s March Route? - Do you understand the importance of not pausing during Dispersal?
22 VI. QUESTIONS; PERMITS (2 of 2) VEHICLE PERMITS are organized alphabetically by the organization name as it was registered Therefore, if your group registered as “The Group” then it is under “T” **Please help us to improve. PLEASE fill out a brief survey on how we did**
2008 NYC Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride March Sunday, June 29, 2008 Would you like a copy of this Presentation? This presentation is available at: