Budget Presentation March 3, 2015 TOWN OF COLCHESTER Fiscal Year
Whether you are the Mayor or the President, it’s about Public Safety, Public Health, Public Transportation and Public Education. Chuck Todd CT in the Capitol February 3, 2015 INTRODUCTION
Proposed Budget Adjustments Proposed Budget Highlights –General Government –Public Safety –Public Works –Community & Human Services –Capital Fiscal Impact INTRODUCTION
Department Heads submitted their operating and capital requests based on the needs of their department Total department requests equaled $14,298,558 First Selectman reduced the department requests by $435,116 Proposed Budget Adjustments
First Selectman –Included funding in legal for Charter Revision Human Resources –3 union contracts currently in negotiation Planning & Code Administration –Reduction of Fire Marshal position to 20 hrs/week –Increase in professional services Proposed Budget Highlights General Government
Town Clerk –Anticipated certification of Assistant Town Clerk in June 2015 Information Technology –Increase in hours for Network Technician from 23 hrs/week to 29 hrs/week –Microsoft licensing fees (currently paid as part of replacement cost of computers Proposed Budget Highlights General Government
Health Insurance –Decrease in expected claims –Use of available funds in Health insurance reserve (balance exceeds 25% risk for aggregate stop loss) Workers Compensation –Increased claims experience Proposed Budget Highlights General Government
Police –Increase in Resident Trooper costs Governor’s budget proposes increase in Town share of costs from 70% to 100% –Increase in overtime to support operations –Increase in hours for Administrative staff from 35 hrs/week to 40 hrs/week –Increase in police equipment to replace portable radios Proposed Budget Highlights Public Safety
Fire –Increase in Per Diem to replace part-time firefighter/EMT positions eliminated in January 2015 (Saturday/Sunday shifts) –Increase in safety equipment for ongoing replacement of turnout gear –Fund consultant for strategic plan –Increased cost for KX Dispatch Proposed Budget Highlights Public Safety
Highway –Increased funding for road improvements Snow Removal –Increased cost & amount of material for snow removal (sand, salt, gravel) Proposed Budget Highlights Public Works
Youth & Social Services –Increase in hours for Social Services Coordinator from 22 hrs/week to 28 hrs/week –Additional Youth Center Supervisor (reinstatement of position) –Increase in funding for C3 –Continued funding of substance abuse counselor (contract) Proposed Budget Highlights Community & Human Services
Health –Increased cost for Chatham Health District Cragin Library –Reinstate 2 hrs per Saturday during school year Proposed Budget Highlights Community & Human Services
Recreation –NRPA & ACA Revenue & Leadership Training Senior Services –MySeniorCenter data tracking system Proposed Budget Highlights Community & Human Services
Capital Reserve –Vehicle Reserve funded according to vehicle replacement plan –Increase in Buildings and Grounds Reserve –Equipment Reserve flat funded –Open Space flat funded –Revaluation flat funded Proposed Budget Highlights Capital
Capital Improvement –Repaving Town Hall parking lot and driveway –Connection to Public Sewer Maintenance Building –Town Garage parking lot minimal repair –Police cruiser –SCBA Units/Masks/Bottles (year 1 of 6 year funding plan) Proposed Budget Highlights Capital
Capital Improvement –Information Technology Virtual network IT hardware replacement GIS Improvements Proposed Budget Highlights Capital
Equipment Reserve Purchases –Laptop to support new election system –Fireproof filing cabinet for voter registration records –Fire Department hose replacement catch-up (phase 2 of 3) –Fire Department AED replacements –Fire Department – Rescue Strut System –Grounds Maintenance – Wood Chipper Proposed Budget – Equipment Reserve
Property Taxes –Grand list growth – 0.6% –Increased estimates for delinquent tax and interest collections –Proposed mill rate increase of 0.47 mills Proposed Budget Highlights Revenue
Intergovernmental Revenue –Increase in Pilot - State Owned Property per Governor’s budget proposal –Decrease in State grant for Youth Service Bureau per Governor’s budget proposal –Elimination of State Library grants per Governor’s budget proposal Proposed Budget Highlights Revenue
Other Revenue –Increase in Building permit fees estimate –Increase in Conveyance tax estimates –No appropriation from fund balance Proposed Budget Highlights Revenue
EXPENDITURES ADOPTEDPROPOSED CHANGE GEN GOVT $3,442,025$3,383,684(58,341) PUB SAFETY 2,492,989 2,693,377200,388 PUB WORKS 3,234,601 3,387,030152,429 COMM. SERVICES 1,469,948 1,539,620 69,672 DEBT SERVICE 1,972,866 1,901,466 (71,400) TRANS/CAP 721, ,265236,612 TOWN $13,334,082 $13,863,442 $529,360 EDUCATION $39,661,795 $39,995,370 $333,575 TOTAL BUDGET $52,995,877 $53,858,812 $862,935
PROPOSED BUDGET Town Budget History
Net Grand List $ 1,216,568,000 (.6% increase) State Aid – Governor’s Budget Change from FY Intergovernmental – Town $402,563 $6,323 Intergovernmental – Education ECS $ 13,761,528 $0 Non-ECS $631,064 $(241) TOTAL $ 14,795,155 $6,082 PROPOSED BUDGET Revenue
Town of Colchester FY Proposed Budget Budget Summary & Mill Rate Calculation EDUCATIONTOWN DEBT SERVICE TRANSFERS/ CAPITAL TOTAL Appropriations39,995,37011,003,7111,901,466958,26553,858,812 Estimated Revenue14,402,5922,296, ,699,545 Amount to be Raised by Taxation 25,592,7788,706,7581,901,466958,26537,159,267 MILLS BUDGET SUMMARY MILL RATE CALCULATION Amount to be Raised by Taxation37,159, Reserve for Uncollected Revenue (estimated 98.4% collection rate)594, TOTAL TAX WARRANT37,753, DOLLARS MILLS Grand List 1,202,068, Proposed Mill Rate Estimated Prorates 1,900, Mill Rate M. V. Supplement 15,100,000 Increase in Mill Rate 0.47 Less Estimated BAA and adjustments (2,500,000) List Net 1,216,568,000