Primeri evaluacije poljske Strategije za borbu protiv droga: nacionalne i regionalne perspektive Dr Piotr Jablonski National Bureau for Drug Prevention Poland
Pozadina Under Act of counteracting drug addiction the National Bureau for Drug Prevention is responsible for producing an annual implementation report of the National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction – Article 3 of the Act: developing a draft National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction as well as coordinating and monitoring its implementation in cooperation with other entities competent for performing tasks defined therein; Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction is responsible for evaluating the National Programme – Article 3.12 of the Act: evaluating the implementation of the National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction on a regular basis;
Drug Information System in Poland EMCDDA Polish NFP NFP Working groups Network of central institutions Network of provincial experts Network of local authorities Network of harm reduction NGOs
Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction along with NBDP prepares two reports annually: Information on the implementation of actions under the National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction ( January – June ) Annual Report for EMCDDA ( June – October )
Reducing drug use and drug-related social and health problems Prevention: Stemming growth in drug demand 3 specific objectives Treatment, rehabilitation and harm reduction: Improvement of health and social functioning of drug addicts and persons using drugs in a harmful way 3 specific objectives International cooperation: Supporting implementation of national programme through shaping international policy 3 specific objectives Research, monitoring and evaluation: Information support for implementation of national programme for counteracting drug addiction 3 specific objectives Supply reduction: Reducing availability of drugs 5 specific objectives
Since 2002 monitoring of NPCDA implementation in place in the form of annual evaluation Method: – Sample: full – Tools: survey questionnaires – Analysis: qualitative (central level institutions, Marshal Offices), quantitative through SPSS statistical (communes). – Response rate: central institutions %, communes %.
Project cycle 1. NCDP analyzing and preparing tools 5.Consultation (Regional experts conference) 2. Sending questionnaire (supporting by regional experts network) 4. Data procesing and analyzing 6. Preparing report and articles, dissemination 3. Data collection (supporting by regional experts network)
Two tools: Central institutions – question about the performance of tasks and data for indicators, implementation costs of respective tasks Communes, Marshal Offices – question about tasks implementation: numbers of recipients, programmes, facilities…
Data collection– survey targets: About 30 central institutions (ministries, research institutes) 16 Provincial Pharmaceutical Inspectorates and 16 Provincial Governors 16 Marshal Offices 2500 communes – data are collected and reported through the network of provincial drug experts
Data analysis Attempt to determine extent of reaching specific objectives – Part I of report Description of measures taken by respective institutions in the course of tasks performance – Part II of report Breakdown of NPCDA costs Conclusions and summary
Structure of monitoring report INTRODUCTORY REMARKS PART I Implementation of National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction by ministries competent to take specific actions and local governments in 2009 – Epidemiology – description of drug addiction – NPCDA implementation in terms of drug prevention – NPCDA implementation in terms of treatment, rehabilitation, – harm reduction and social reintegration – NPCDA implementation in terms of supply reduction – NPCDA implementation in terms of international cooperation – NPCDA implementation in terms of research and monitoring Expenditure on the implementation of the National Programme for Counteracting drug Addiction in 2009 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS PART II Description of measures taken under the National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction in 2009
Dissemination Annual Report for EMCDDA Newsletter and drug press
Strategies Under the NPCDA most entities involved are mandated to develop ministerial, provincial and communal programmes for counteracting drug addiction
2. Does your commune have a communal programme for counteracting drug addiction Or a joint programme for counteracting addictions? 1. Yes, a separate communal programme for counteracting drug addiction 2. Yes, a joint programme for counteracting addictions 3. No a)If yes, please say which years the programme covers: from___________ to_____________ b)If yes, please select which courses of actions specified in the National Programme have been incorporated in the communal programme? Area 1. Prevention Course 1Increasing involvement of local governments in counteracting drug addiction, particularly through supporting local and regional initiatives of primary and secondary drug prevention and interventions addressed mainly to children and adolescents at risk of drug addiction. Course 2Raising quality of provincial and communal programmes for counteracting drug addiction Course 3Raising public awareness of psychoactive substance-related problems and options to prevent the phenomenon. Area 2. Treatment, rehabilitation, harm reduction and social reintegration Course 1Improving quality of services in drug treatment, rehabilitation and harm reduction particularly through supporting training courses addressed to physicians, nurses and implementers of harm reduction programmes. Course 2Improving availability of services at regional and local level Area 5. Research and monitoring Course 1Epidemiological monitoring of drugs and drug addiction at local and provincial level Course 2Monitoring public response to drugs and drug addiction Course 3Development and consolidation of information system on drugs and drug addiction
Number of communes under Communal Programmes for Counteracting Drug Addiction or those which included drug addiction in local strategies for solving social problems in
Communes which have local drug strategy in 2008 – percent in region Source:KPPN
PREVENTION 9. Did the government of your commune support financially primary prevention programmes in 2009 *? 1. Yes 2. No If yes, please complete the following table. Actions conducted at schools Actions conducted outside schools Total number [1] [1] a) Number of children and adolescents covered by the actions b) Number of adults covered by the actions c) Number of settings d) Number of programmes implemented e) Number of NGOs implementing the actions
Communes implementing universal prevention tasks in 2008 – percent of communes in region Source: KPPN - CINN
Communes implementing selective and indicative prevention tasks in 2008 – percent of communes in region Source: KPPN - CINN
Communes implementing supporting treatment tasks in 2008 – percent of communes in region Source: KPPN - CINN
Deaths due to drug overdose 2007, by province (rate per 100 thousand inhabitants) Source: GUS, CINN
Number of new HIV infections in IDUs in 2008 (rate per 100 thousand inhabitants) (infections registered according to place of residence). Source: NIZ
Persons covered by welfare system due to drug problemby province (rate per 100 thousand inhabitants) Source: MPiPS
Patients admitted to inpatient treatment in 2007 (per inhabitants). Source: IPiN
Convicts under Acts on counteracting drug addiction in by suspended and non-suspended sentences in 2007 (rate per 100 thousand inhabitants) Source: MS
Limitations Not all institutions report costs, annually about 15 institutions do not send data, no separate NPCDA budget Problem with extracting drug prevention actions out of general prevention by communes and Marschal Offices Some institutions report all actions performed, not necessarily related to the implementation of the NPCDA
Summary Data collected annually allow for following the extent and scale of measures related to counteracting drug addiction, especially drug prevention Comparing response data reported since 2002 by most institutions concerned with counteracting drug addiction with monitoring results constitutes a sound basis for evaluation of NPCDA outcomes.
Thank you for your attention! Piotr Jablonski National Bureau for Drug Prevention Warsaw/Poland