Warsaw, May 2013 The Programme is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund Calls for proposals opened/planned to be launched for TNC in 2013 under the European Social Fund in Poland
Central component Implementing Authority for European Programmes Types of the projects Projects wholly implemented in transnational cooperation (stand alone TNC projects) Project only partly developed in transnational cooperation (projects with a transnational component) Thematic scope of cooperation Sub-measure Projects for Roma community Types of operations Projects comprising activities in the field of employment, education, social integration and health, contributing to social-vocational activation of Roma community. Time for submission of applications II quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Central component National Centre for Research and Development Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Thematic scope of cooperation Strengthening didactic potential of universities Types of operations Programmes for development of universities Time for submission of applications II quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Mazowieckie voivodship VLO in Warszawa Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Support for the unemployment on the regional labour market Types of operations Assessment of needs of people without employment, inter alia, including by means of Individual Action Plans, Assessment of the training needs and possibilities of professional improvement in the region, Psychological and advisory support for persons entering the labour market or returning to it, Implementation of programmes of professional activation covering one or several of the following forms of support: job agency and/or professional advisory, professional internships/traineeships, trainings leading to increasing, complementing or modifying professional qualifications, Support for voluntary work as a stage preparing for taking up employment, inter alia, by ensuring training and advisory support for the volunteer. Time for submission of applications Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship VLO in Olsztyn Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Support for the unemployment on the regional labour market Types of operations Assessment of needs of people without employment, inter alia, including by means of Individual Action Plans, Assessment of the training needs and possibilities of professional improvement in the region, Psychological and advisory support for persons entering the labour market or returning to it, Implementation of programmes of professional activation covering one or several of the following forms of support: job agency and/or professional advisory, professional internships/traineeships, trainings leading to increasing, complementing or modifying professional qualifications,
Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship VLO in Olsztyn Types of operations: Support for initiatives to increase geographical mobility (regional and interregional) of people without employment (in particular including people residing in the rural areas), inter alia, by financing transport from the place of residence to the workplace and reimbursement of accommodation costs, Popularisation and promotion of alternative and flexible forms of employment and methods of work organisation (inter alia, including teleworking, work without full amount of working time, rotational work), Time for submission of applications Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Podkarpackie voivodship VLO in Rzeszow Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Support for the unemployment on the regional labour market Types of operations Assessment of needs of people without employment, inter alia, including by means of Individual Action Plans, Assessment of the training needs and possibilities of professional improvement in the region, Psychological and advisory support for persons entering the labour market or returning to it, Implementation of programmes of professional activation covering one or several of the following forms of support: job agency and/or professional advisory, professional internships/traineeships, trainings leading to increasing, complementing or modifying professional qualifications, Support for initiatives to increase geographical mobility (regional and interregional) of people without employment. Time for submission of applications III quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Podkarpackie voivodship VLO in Rzeszow Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Social and vocational activation of persons threatened by social exclusion Types of operations Support to creating and functioning of non-school forms of youth’s social integration (youth community centres, including those with socio-therapeutic programme, community clubs) coupled with realization of activities in the field of social and vocational reintegration. Development of new forms and methods of individual and community support for vocational and social integration (including for instance community social work, local activation centres, streetworking, coaching, work training) Time for submission of applications II quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Podkarpackie voivodship VLO in Rzeszow Types of the projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Support to developing professional qualifications and counselling for enterprises Types of operations General and specific training and/or counseling connected with trainings for business managers and employees of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) in the area connected with indentified needs of enterprises and in form adequate to organizational and technical capabilities. Counselling for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME), including for natural persons conducting economic activity. Time for submission of applications II quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Podlaskie voivodship VLO in Białystok Types of the projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Strengthening local partnership for adaptiveness Types of operationsInitiatives undertaken on local and regional level by employer associations and labour unions, aimed at increasing adaptation skills of employees and entrepreneurs, in particular in the field of: work organization, forms of performing work, promotion of upgrading professional qualifications, reconciliation of work life and family life. Time for submission of applications II quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Pomorskie voivodship Marshal’s Office in Gdańsk Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Strengthening local partnership for adaptiveness Types of operationsInitiatives undertaken on local and regional level by employer associations and labour unions, aimed at increasing adaptation skills of employees and entrepreneurs, in particular in the field of: work organization, forms of performing work, promotion of upgrading professional qualifications, reconciliation of work life and family life. Time for submission of applications II quarter 2013 Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Łódzkie voivodship Marshal’s Office in Łódź Types of the projects Stand alone TNC projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation Equalization of educational chances of students from groups with hindered access to education and diminishing the disproportion in the quality of educational services Types of operationsDevelopment programmes of schools and educational institutions providing general education aimed at equalization of educational chances of students and diminishing the disproportions in their learning performance and improving quality of teaching process (excluding activities concerning individualization of teaching students from I-III grades/forms of elementary school). Time for submission of applications Open call, from Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Kujawsko-pomorskie voivodship Marshal’s Office in Toruń Types of the projects Projects with a transnational component Thematic scope of cooperation 9.2 Improvement of attractiveness and quality of vocational education Types of operations cooperation between schools and educational institutions offering vocational education with employeers concerning professional internships and apprenticeships for students of vocational schools including development programs of schools and educational institutions offering vocational education aimed at reducing disparities in student achievement in the process of learning and improving the quality of education Time for submission of applications Overall allocation for the call PLN (ca EUR)
Information on the calls and partner search More information on the calls for proposals: pokl.org.pl/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&t ask=category&id=50&Itemid=385&lang=en „Fishing Pool” Database: pokl.org.pl/index.php?option=com_sobipro&task=search&sid=147&Itemid =514&lang=en ABC of Transnational Cooperation under ESF in Poland:
TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECTS’ TEAM Katarzyna Tyczko – Team Coordinator Phone: Maciej Jamrozik Phone: Beata Rybicka-Dominiak Phone: Phone: Magdalena Karczewska Phone: General information on transnational cooperation within ESF in Poland
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION National Supporting Institution Center of European Projects The Programme is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund