George Douglass McCarter Family Record Contributed by Pat Foster Farrar Prepared by Carolyn Foster Spano
The images on the following pages are Xeroxed copies of a handwritten copy of the family record of George Douglass McCarter ( ). The record was apparently continued after the death of George Douglass McCarter since many of the dates occurred after his death. The notes include the names and birth dates of family members, family horses as well as the names and birthdates of several African-Americans who were associated with the family. The handwriting is supposed to be that of Luranie Elizabeth “Lizzie” McCarter, great granddaughter of George Douglass McCarter. I can not verify this.
George Douglass McCarter was born in South Carolina in about 1819 and died in Harris County, Georgia on May 11, George was the son of William McCarter and Agnes Douglass. George Douglass married Permelia (Pamelia) Jane Hendry Jan 15, 1842 in Harris County, Georgia. Before his death at the young age of about 3,1George Douglass fathered three children. An unknown- named son who died in infancy, Alexander Hamilton McCarter ( ) and a daughter, Martha Matilda McCarter (1848). His wife, Permelia Hendry McCarter remained a widow until her death. Other than the father William McCarter who lived to be at least 85, the McCarter men often died unusually young. George Douglass died at age 31. Alexander Hamilton McCarter died at age 51. John Milton McCarter, brother to George Douglass died at age 33. William Marvin McCarter, grandson of George Douglass died at age 26. Family members have passed on the information that William Marvin was a diabetic. I have no proof of this but it may be fact.
George Douglass McCarter Relatives Back Row: William Marvin McCarter Middle Row: (L-R) Frances Ozella Texas Stevens McCarter, Alexander McCarter (son of George Douglass McCarter), William Haughton, Annie McCarter Haughton Front Row: (L-R) Permelia Elizabeth (Bessie) McCarter, Mildred Haughton, William Marshal Haughton, May Belle Haughton Haughton Family Back Row (L-R) Mildred, Maybelle, William Marshal Middle Row (l_R) Annie Ozella McCarter Haughton, Lillian, Nellie, William Thomas Haughton Front (seated) Robert Haughton
George Douglass McCarter Relatives Johnnie Eloise McCarter Foster, Lula Jack (Jackie) Swanson McCarter, Herschel Alexander Swanson McCarter, Georgia Elizabeth (Lizzie) McCarter Johnnie Eloise McCarter Luranie Maud Harrington Waldrop, Johnnie Eloise McCarter Foster, Georgia Elizabeth (Lizzie) McCarter Smith Johnnie Eloise McCarter Foster, Georgia Elizabeth (Lizzie) McCarter Smith