Office of the State Fire Marshal CFTDA Report February 20, 2013
Fire Officer Implementation Plan Updated document posted on website under Hot Topics Modification to Course Prerequisites allowing the existing Fire Command 1A (1995) to serve as a prerequisite for new Command 1C (2012)
Mission Alignment Meeting held February 6, 2013 at CSUS Updates from all four task forces Randy Collins and Natalie Hannum represent CFTDA
Curriculum Development Process First work sessions with Cadre Leaders and Editors occurred on February 5 th Soliciting cadre members through on-line application process Command 1A Course Plan awaiting final approval from Chief Richwine
Curriculum Development Process Command 1C is complete and awaiting final approval from Chief Richwine Jones & Bartlett preparing 1C Student Manual Prerequisites will include the CICCS S-290 classroom course or NWCG S-290 on-line course
Quality Improvement Program Several investigations completed resulting in letters of reprimand and counseling ▫Resulted from complaints, not audits Several class audits have been conducted ▫Generally positive results ▫Some corrective comments issued
National Recognition Attended Pro Board annual training January , 2013 ▫Learned a lot ▫Rethinking some concepts Fine tuning new policies Waiting on Fire Fighter 1 re-write Evaluating written test options
Instructor Update Courses Tentative future dates ▫May 7-Clovis ▫May 9-San Diego ▫May 14 & 15–Santa Rosa ▫May 31-Redding ▫May TBD-Bakersfield 25% class no-show so walk in may be possible
Asynchronous Online Courses LA County Fire proposal Chancellor’s position What will the future bring
Online Firefighters Training Management System TASKTIMELINE Feasibility ReportApril 2013 Request for ProposalsJuly 2013 – December 2014 Design & DevelopmentDecember 2014 – July 2015 Start InstallationJuly 2015
Full-Time Field Staff Northern California ▫Rodney Slaughter (916) Central California ▫Ramiro Rodriguez (559) Southern California ▫Mike Garcia (616)