Origins of WW2 – The Fall of France The Treaty of Versailles Massive Reparations Germany pay $33 billion in reparations to the Allies. Military Limitations The treaty reduced the size of Germany’s military and prohibited them from crossing west of the Rhine River. No draft Territory Reductions German territory was divided to reestablish Poland. Territories were seized in the west by France and in the south to help create Czechoslovakia.
Rise of Hitler Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party. With inflation running high, Hitler tried to seize control in Germany. Munich Putsch or Beer Hall Putsch, to lead a march through the streets, the police fired on the marchers and Hitler and the march was broken up Two days later Hitler was arrested. Hitler received a five year prison sentence for the Munich Putsch, he was let out after serving less than a year. He spent the time writing - Mein Kampf (My Struggle.)
German Violations of the Treaty and Expansion – 1935: Hitler initiated draft - began build a new air force. – 1936: Hitler ordered the German military to occupy the Rhineland – 1937: Hitler called for the reunification of German-speaking peoples. – March 1938: Hitler annexes Austria and announced Anschluss, or unification, of Austria and Germany. Hitler welcomed as a hero
Munich Conference – September 1938: Reps. of Britain, France, Italy, and Germany met to resolve German demands to the Sudetenland, a region in Czechoslovakia.
Results of the Munich Conference – In exchange for peace, the soon to be Allies, gave Hit Czechoslovakia. – This policy became known as appeasement. – England’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin’s famous quote “Peace in our time”
Movement Toward War – March 1939: Hitler demanded the return of Danzig, Poland, to German control. Poland refused. –. – August 23, 1939: Stalin agreed to a nonaggression treaty with Hitler called Nazi-Soviet Pact. Stalin was buying time building up his military
War Begins – September 1939: Germany invaded Poland in a powerful, attack known as blitzkrieg, meaning “lightning war.” The army attacked across land, the Luftwaffe, or German air force, bombed cities, railroads, bridges, and other key targets from above. – May 1940: Hitler invades the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium- Heading towards France. Remember WW1
– June 1940: The Miracle of Dunkirk. The Nazis pressed the Allies toward the English Channel but stopped before they reached Dunkirk. – Allies faced certain death but were evacuated by a mass of boats of all kinds a successful failure
June 22, 1940: France surrenders to Hitler.
Hitler installed Frenchmen Marshal Philippe Pétain as leader of the new Vichy government. (Nazi controlled French government)
June 22, 1940: France surrenders.
General Charles De Gaulle will lead the French resistance from England