Human Genome Project Robynn Mackechnie & Valerie Meccia AP Biology 3 rd
What is the Human Genome Project (HGP)? Created in 1990 by the: – U. S. Department of Energy and National Institutes of Health. “… to find ~100,000 human genes and determine the sequence of the 3-billion DNA base pairs.
Goals are to: Identify the ~ 100,000 genes in human DNA Decoding the sequence of chemical in human DNA Store all information in databases Develop better sequencing technologies Address the benefits and risks of the research Develop tools for studying of data
Benefits are: DNA forensics Medical improvements Environmental clean-up More accurate risk calculations Improved farming techniques
Social Concerns Fairness Privacy and Confidentiality Ethics – Are they playing “God” – Genes are special, they make you, you and another, another Uncertainties Society Reproductive issues Health and Environmental
Sources Source A: Marshal, Elizabeth. “The Big Picture” Human Genome Project. New York, Franklin Watts Source B: Human Genome Project Information. 1/31/02 Source C: The National Human Genome Research Institute. 31 Jan Source D: Science. Genome. Oct 23, F. Collins & D. Galas Source E: Science. Genome Research and Human Subject. Oct 23, Henry Greely