Case Conference Resident Name, MD SVCH May 15, 2015May 15, 2015May 15, 2015
CC: Epigastric pain x 2-3 days 51 yo AAM with PMH of DM, HTN, Smoker, Hypercholesterolemia
Hx of Present Illness Site epigastric Onset sudden, when he woke up Character sharp, 7/10 Radiation to the chest Alleviating factors none Time course still present Exacerb.factors movement Sx SOB, DOE
PMHx HTN – on ACEi – not controlled DM – on Insulin Hypercholesterolemia – on Lipitor, LDL 134, HDL 34
Medications Insulin 70/30 – 30 U am, 10 U pm Lipitor 10 qd Zestril 10 qd Isoptin SR 120 qd (Verapamil) NKDA
FMH, SH Mother with HTN Unemployed, lives alone Heavy drinking in the past, quit 10 yr ago Smoker – ½ ppd x 30 yrs Cocaine, Heroin IV user 12 yrs ago
Physical Examination Appearance: Thin man in NAD Vitals Temperature 36.7 ºC Pulse54/min Respirations18/min BP 167/79 mm Hg SpO2 100% on RA
Physical Examination Skin: no rash HEENT: NC/AT Chest: CTA (B) Heart: Clear S1S2, regular Abdomen: Soft, epigastric tenderness, 4-5 cm hepatomegaly, hard liver edge, +BS Rectal: normal Extremities: no c/c/e Neuro exam: AAO x 3, no focal deficit
Labs PMN - 57 Bands – 17 Amylase 71, Lipase 235 Bil. – 1 AST Alb ALT INR AP – 364 CPP x 2 – negative AG=9
Further tests
What would you do in this situation?
What do you think ? Diagnosis? Differential diagnosis? What tests to order? Empiric therapy?
What happened ?
Outcome Treated with IVF, Dopamine HyperK+ corrected with D50 + Insulin, Kayexalate
Final Diagnosis Hepatocellular CA
Take home message
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Literature Discussion
Risk factors
Symptoms Symptoms
Physical Exam
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