Food poisoning& FOOD INTOXICATION By:DR.AwatifAlam
(Occur through consumptn Of contaminated food or water). I.d:- “Not an infection”, it’s rather an intoxicatn., - of abrupt onset with severe nausea, cramps, and vomiting. - prostration, (often accomp. by diarrhea*), - subnormal temperature, - hypotension - death – rare. - duration of illness (commonly not > 1-2 days)
2.Toxic Agent: - Several enterotoxins of: staphylococcus aureus, “ stable at boiling temperature”. (staph. multiply in food and produce their toxins). It is the most common among all types of food poisoning.
3.I.P.:30 mins. – 7 hrs., usually 2-4 hrs. (bet. eating food and onset of symptoms). Note:-Organisms can exit: - in nasal secretions, - on the skin, - under the nails of a cook. 4.Susceptibility: General, depending on exposure.
METHODS OF CONTROL Notification: – R L H A. Send remains of food (and vomit) for laboratory investigation. Health education, especially among food handlers. Proper refrigeration of food.
“Other types of Food Poisoning” A. Salmonellae food infection : -through ingestion of contaminated food with animal excreta e.g. rodents. Signs & Symptoms: - Fever, - Abdominal Pain - vomiting and diarrhea. I.P.:6-48 hrs. Prevention: - Sanitatn. - Health education.
B. Botulism: I.d.: Severe intoxicatn. resulting from ingestn. of toxin performed in contamin. food and not from toxin produced in the gut. Toxic Agent:- Clostridium botulinum toxins. Note: The illness is charact. by manifestatns. related 1o to the nervous syst. (esp. cranial ns.) e.g. ptosis, visual difficulty, dry mouth. Then such symptoms may be followed by flaccid paralysis. Vomiting and diarrh. may be present initially. Fever absent unless a complicating infectn. occur.]
Occurrence: World wide Reservoir: Soil, intestinal tract of animals. I.P.:12-36 hrs. (after eating contam. food). Suspect.: General. Methods of Control:- Ensure effective control of processing and preparatn. of commercially canned and preserved foods. Educate housewives regarding proper canning procedures (e.g. proper time, pressure, temp. req. to destroy spores and the need for adequate refrig. of food). R L H O. Investigate contacts and source of toxin.