Digestive System Common Signs and Symptoms ©Richard L. Goldman April 1, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology
© Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 2 achlorhydria anorexia aphagia ascites bororygmus constipation diarrhea dyspepsia dysphagia emaciation emesis eructation flatusflatus; flatulenceflatulence gastroesophageal reflux icterus jaundice melena nausea pruritus pruritus ani steatorrhea vomit vomitus Absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice Inability to eat - lack of appetite Inability to swallow Abnormal accumulation within peritoneal cavity Abdominal sound produced by hyperactive intestinal peristalsis Difficulty in passing stools Frequent passage of loose, watery stools. Feeling of fullness, heartburn, bloating, and nausea Difficulty in swallowing Excessive leanness The act of vomiting (error in book) Belching Passing gas through rectum Backflow into esophagus – weak lower esophageal sphincter Jaundice – yellow discoloration of eyes and skin Icterus – yellow discoloration of eyes and skin Black tarry stool containing digested blood Urge to vomit Itching of skin around anus Large amounts of fat in feces Expel contents of the stomach Vomited matter (error in book)