body image and eating disorders
Today we will… Discuss a variety of different eating disorders Review body image and what it means to us Examine how to get yourself or someone else help for an eating disorder Create a Venn Diagram using what we know about eating disorders and body image
Body image WARM UP When you look in a mirror, are you happy with what you see? When you look in a mirror, are you happy with what you see? Do you accept your appearance? Do you accept your appearance? Do you dream of looking like an actor or someone famous? Do you dream of looking like an actor or someone famous?
Negative body image indicators Do you often compare yourself to models or athletes? Do you worry a great deal about being too fat, too thin, or not muscular enough? Do you think of yourself as fat even though your weight is within the normal limits? Are you always on a diet? Is it difficult for you to accept the body changes of puberty? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to work on developing a more positive body image.
+ body image suggestions Discuss your feelings with an adult Remember that models and actors are not typical Focus on what you like about your body, not what you dislike Exercise regularly so you can feel confident Do NOT compare yourself to others
EATING DISORDERS Eating disorder- a food related illness in which a person changes eating habits in a way that is harmful to the body and mind. Eating disorders affect both males and females Eating disorders can be life threatening
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Anorexia- an eating disorder characterized by self starvation. It can affect males, but approx. 9 out 10 cases involve females The person is intensely afraid of gaining weight May skip meals Refuse to eat certain foods Avoid eating all together May use laxatives, enemas, or diuretics or force themselves to vomit
Anorexia and the body Damage to the heart, kidneys, bones and muscles Malnutrition- condition where the body does not get the nutrients it needs Dehydration- the body does not have enough fluid to function well Estimated that 10 – 20 % of people who have anorexia die as a result of the disorder
Get help for anorexia!! Seek medical attention from a physician Possible psychiatric (mental) help to deal with emotions and underlying problem Talk to a family member, adult or friend
Bulimia Nervosa Bulimia- an eating disorder in which the affected person has uncontrollable urges to eat a great deal of food in a short period, and then purge (vomit) to get rid of the food consumed Binge and Purge
Bulimia People will eat, followed by vomiting, using laxatives or diuretics Person may fast or engage in excessive exercise habits Frequently feel ashamed of what they are doing Usually keep their behavior a secret About 80% of people with bulimia are female
Bulimia and the body Harms digestive system Cause chemical imbalances that disrupt heart function Harm to the esophagus due to vomiting Wearing away of tooth enamel
Get help for bulimia!!! Seek assistance from a health professional Possible psychiatric evaluation and help Often need help for physical problems Talk to an adult, family member or friend
Fear of gaining weight. Obsessed with exercise. May use laxatives or diuretics. Person usually has a poor self image. Usually keeps it a secret. Person is ashamed of themselves. Affects body and mind (physical and mental) Kidneys, heart, liver, muscles, nerves, bones, digestive system Affects mostly females, but can affect males. Malnutrition and / or dehydration Can result in death Anorexia / Bulimia
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