1.Syllabus 2.Intro to Anatomy & Physiology 3.Body Systems Map 4.Homeostasis (w/ pics) 5.Language Lab Part 1 6.Language Lab Part 2 7.Maintaining Life 8.Vomit Lab 9.Unit 1 Review & Crossword 10.Unit 1 Portfolio Check Unit 1 Test and Notebook Check 8/18 Root Word Quiz on 8/25
Anatomy Anatomy: the study of form and structure of the body ( ana = up/apart, tomy = to cut) Physiology Physiology: the study of how the body functions ( physio = function, logy = study of) Function depends on structure!
Anatomy can be studied at different levels. Microscopic Level 1) Microscopic Level: micro = small scope = to view Examples : cytology ( cyto = cell; logy = study of) histology ( histo = tissue; ology = study) the study of structures that are not visible to the unaided eye
Gross Level 2) Gross Level: immediately noticeable, NOT disgusting ~Involves dissection the study of large structures such as organs or bones or tissues, etc. Systemic Anatomy 3) Systemic Anatomy – the study of the components of an organ system.
Organisms Organ Systems Cells Organs Tissues Chemicals 1)Nervous 2)Muscular 3)Epithelial 4)Connective Leave room to list them… Smallest units capable of life functions Not living Molecules & Atoms Organelles
The body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment.
stimulus Monitors environment and sends info to control center Analyzes info and determines the needed response Effector Provides the appropriate response as dictated by the control center
The body senses an internal change and activates mechanisms that reverse, or negate, that change. Examples include: Body temperature Blood sugar concentration Water balance pH concentrations
a process in which the body senses a change and activates mechanisms that accelerate or increase that change Examples include: Blood clotting Oxytocin released during child birth
Find a picture that represents each type of feedback. Create a google doc to put your pictures in. Write a caption for each. Share with I will print them out for your notes
Necessary life functions Maintaining boundaries Movement Responsiveness/irritability Digestion Metabolism Excretion Reproduction Growth
Survival Needs Nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins) Water: 60-80% body weight Oxygen: 20% of air we breathe Appropriate temperature: 98 degrees; cooler slows metabolism Appropriate atmospheric pressure for breathing (high altitudes, thin air) TOMORROW: VOMIT LAB!!