Hurling fire pots were used to set fires 200 BC 1000 BC 100 AD 600 AD
Created machine to turn water into steam Pneumatic Yao Hero Congreve
Firepot flammable material Salt peter Sulphur Charcoal dust Naptha
Wrote about a rocket propelled to heaven Verne De Bergerac Hyder Ally Congreve
Indian soldiers defeated Britain with rockets
Created spinning rocket Congreve Maul Hale Verne
First to accurately described escape velocity Oberth Verne Goddard Tsiolkovsky
Escape velocity mph mph 11,000 mph 25,000 mph
Published Investigation of Universal Space by Means of Reactive Devices Oberth Tsiolkovsky Goddard Von Karman
Rediscovered rockets Congreve McHenry Key Hale
A4 rocket became known as V1 A9 V2 A10
Designed first rocket at 15 Goddard Tsiolkovsky Maul Oberth
Wrote book about space travel Hale Verne De Bergerac Congreve
Published Principia Mathematica Newton Oberth Goddard Tsiolkovsky
Father of American Space Theory Oberth Verne Goddard Hale
Germans built research facilities Danzig Peenemunde Leipzig Bonn
How many V2’s were fired?
What was the name of the project that acquired German missile technology Paperclip Thundercloud Stapler Missile games
Who developed the WAC Korolev Stalin Malina Hale
First president of VfR Winkler Von Karman Von Braun Dornberger
American rocket societ? RSA ASR ARS VfR
Russian Rocket Society ARS VfR GDL GIRD
Another name for the V-2 Vomit comet Valance weapon Vengeance weapon Luftwaffe weapon
Korolev lived during this man’s reign Lenin Stalin Putin Mao
What rocket was America’s first to enter space WAC V2 A9 A10
First solid booster company in America Boeing NASA SpaceX Aerojet
Molina and Van Karman created a field lab that became Boeing’s lab SpaceX’s lab NASA’s jet propulsion lab NASA’s control center
Where did Korolev want to visit to talk to German’s about missiles Leipzig Peenemunde Bonn Danzig
1 st law of motion Action reaction Inertia Forces cause accelerations Gravity
Second Law of Motion Gravity Action reaction Inertia Forces cause acceleration
Third law Action Reaction Forces cause accelerations Gravity Inertia
Year of Star Spangled Banner
Who wrote Star Spangled Banner Key Hale Congreve McHenry
Father of Russian Cosmonautics Goddard Oberth Korolev Tsiolkovsky
Tsiolkovsky’s famous formula Rocket’s velocity is inversely propotional to exhaust velocity Rocket’s velocity is directly proportional to exhaust velocity Exhaust velocity is directly proportional to rocket’s velocity Exhaust velocity is inversely proportional to rocket’s velocity
Specific Impulse is (Isp) is Mass flow rate divided by thrust Velocity divided by exhaust velocity Thrust divided by velocity Thrust divided by mass flow rate
What is calculated orbital insertion rate? (orbital velocity) mph mph mph mph
Who wrote Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes? Maul Tsiolkovsky Goddard Oberth
Alfred Maul had a spinning rocket and use a _______ for pointing the camera Vent Gyroscope Flange Thingy