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Presentation transcript:

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Building Solid and Sure Our business is not to build quickly, but to build upon a right foundation, and right spirit. Life is more than a mere competition as between men and women; it is not who can work best; it is not who can rise highest in the shortest time, but who is working most patiently and lovingly in accordance with the designs of God.

TRIVIA QUESTION What lying woman was a widow for only about three hours?

TRIVIA answer What Woman, given to Phaltiel/Paltiel by her father Saul, was later reclaimed by David? “Michal” 2 Sam. 3:13-16 “‘Good,’ said David. ‘I will make an agreement with you: Do not come into my presence unless you bring Michal dau- ghter of Saul when you come to see me.’ Then David sent messen- gers to Ish-Bosheth son of Saul, demanding, ‘Give me my wife Michal, whom I betrothed to myself for the price of a hundred Philistine foreskins.’ So Ish-Bosheth gave orders and had her taken away from her husband Paltiel son of Laish. Her hus- band, however, went with her, weeping behind her all the way to Bahurim. Then Abner said to him, ‘Go back home!’ So he went back”

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I got mine; You get yours!! —I want, What I want; When I want it— 1Cor. 13:5b “…love is not self-seeking” I.Mine, Mine, Mine… A. 1 st, The Problem of Selfishness —I, Me, Mine & Myself— 1. Mindful of others…1Cor. 10:24 “Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others” We are not to consider only oursel- ves, but we must be sensitive to others

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… A. 1 st, The Problem of Selfishness —I, Me, Mine & Myself— 1. Mindful of others… a) The marriage woes that we fall into when complacency and familiarity take over!! —theirs not enough time in the day— —I really got to get this thing done— —I don’t want to hear that now— Consider this: Phil. 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish am- bition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves” Considering others’ interest as more important than our own links us with Christ, who was a true example of humility

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… Husbands & Wives come up with a date night B. 2 nd, The Prevention of Selfishness —Incorporate these 3 as deterrents — 1. Appreciation: Make him/her feel worth- while as your mate Work on improving: Eph. 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” Make sure your speech is of value to the person it is directed to. Not a tongue lashing, but an appreciated correction!!!

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… Husbands & Wives come up with a date night B. 2 nd, The Prevention of Selfishness —Incorporate these 3 as deterrents — 1. Appreciation: Make him/her feel worth- while as your mate a) Change a life with your words… 1Thes. 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” A word of encouragement offered at the right moment can be the difference between finishing well and collapsing along the way. Look a- round you. Be sensitive to others’ needs for en- couragement and offer supportive words of action

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… Husbands & Wives come up with a date night B. 2 nd, The Prevention of Selfishness —Incorporate these 3 as deterrents — 2. Acceptance: What you want to do; I’m cool with that!!! Why not, Jesus did— Rom. 15:7a “Accept one ano- ther, then, just as Christ accepted you…” Just as we take Jesus’ view on the authority of Scripture, the nature of heaven, and the resurrection, we are to have His attitude of love towards other Christians as well. As we grow in faith and come to know Jesus bet- ter, we will become more capable of main- taining this attitude of loving unity each day

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… Husbands & Wives come up with a date night B. 2 nd, The Prevention of Selfishness —Incorporate these 3 as deterrents — 2. Acceptance: What you want to do; I’m cool with that!!! a) Differences compliment each other… Rom. 14:13a “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another…” Where you are weak; I’ll be strong. When I’m a little slow there; make up my slack 3. Attention: I’ll hang back; you can handle it!! I know, I know how, but you got it!!

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… Husbands & Wives come up with a date night B. 2 nd, The Prevention of Selfishness —Incorporate these 3 as deterrents — 3. Attention: I’ll hang back; you can handle it!! I know, I know how, but you got it!! Phil. 2:4 “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” Show a concern for the concerns and interest of others FATHERS, MOTHERS, HUSBANDS, WIVES OPEN YOUR EYES!!! SEE ME!!!!

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness I.Mine, Mine, Mine… C. 3 rd, The Pattern of unselfishness Line yourself up with what has been and is a proven method by which we are to make the leap from self-cen- teredness, to an open-arms embrace of those that need our closeness 1. The Savior did it this way… Matt. 20:28 “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many”

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness My Selfishness What it reveals: An impatient and intoler- able lack of others enthu- siasm for growth How to prevent: Get out of the mentality of I will do it myself; and put the time in to show, instruct and guide others towards that end It can only improve on my patience for others and raise me above a “Selfish Life Style”

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness THE PHRASE THAT PAYS!!!!!!!!!! MY FAITH WILL NEVER RISE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF MY CONFESSION

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness B.asic I.nformation B.efore L.eaving E.arth

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness WHAT IT SAYS This is my Bible, I am who my Bible say I am, I can do what my Bible say I can do. I have what my Bible say I have, my Bible teaches my spirit, my spirit teaches my mind, and my mind teaches my body. My Bible is full of promises and command- ments, my Bible has good and bad examp- les. How do I know my Bible is true? By comparing scripture with scripture and spiritual things with spiritual things. I study my Bible to show myself approved, rightly dividing the Word of God.

Journey into “Better Relationships” how to Stifle selfishness Next Week!!!! How To master your anger