Comparison of a Chromogenic Factor X Assay to International Normalized Ratio for Monitoring Oral Anticoagulation Therapy David L. McGlasson; Major Benjamin G. Romick †, †, Bernard J. Rubal ‡ † Wilford Hall US Air Force Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base, TX ‡ Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX
Background The International Normalized Ratio (INR) is the primary method for monitoring patients on oral anticoagulation therapy (OAT). Numerous confounding variables limit monitoring of INR in patients on OAT –Lupus Anticoagulant (LA) –Converting direct thrombin inhibitors to OAT
Background Chromogenic Assay for Factor X (CFX) has been validated for use in monitoring patients with LA who are on OAT CFX is not affected by presence of LA and other variables that affect INR
Introduction CFX has not been compared to INR in monitoring a broad population of patients on OAT No universally defined range of values of CFX for: –Therapeutic anticoagulation –Supratherapeutic anticoagulation –Subtherapeutic anticoagulation
Introduction Study (n)INRCFX Rosborough % Moll % Moll, et al % Sanfellipo % Robert, et al %
Introduction Objectives of the present study: 1.Define the therapeutic range for CFX in this population 2.Assess the relationship between CFX and INR values in an outpatient “Coumadin Clinic” setting
Methods INR and CFX levels were evaluated in randomly selected excess specimens from the coumadin clinic and normal subjects not receiving anticoagulant therapy INR values were correlated to CFX for determining the following ranges for OAT patients: –Normal or SubtherapeuticINR < 2.0 –TherapeuticINR –SupratherapeuticINR > 3.0
Methods Instrumentation: –STA-R Evolution automated coagulation analyzer (Diagnostica-Stago, Inc.®, Parsippany, NJ) –Chromogenic Factor X assay (Diapharma, Inc.®, Westchester, OH) –INR performed with PT method using Neoplastine Cl+ with ISI of 1.28 and geometric mean of 13.8 seconds
Data Analysis Overall correlation of INR to CFX assessed with inverse square method (Sigmaplot version 9.01; Systat Software, Inc, San Jose, Ca) –Goodness of fit expressed as the coefficient of determination: R 2 Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves used to discriminate therapeutic ranges (SPSS version 11.5, SPSS, Inc. Chicago, IL) –ROC area > → highly discriminative –ROC area > → good discrimination
Data Analysis CFX ranges consistent with INR therapeutic ranges defined by plots of sensitivity and specificity versus CFX Kolmogorov-Smirnov test employed to assess normality of CFX distributions among therapeutic subsets Non-normally distributed data presented as median and 25 th and 75 th percentiles
Data Analysis One-way Analysis of Variance on Ranks (Sigmastat version 3.11; Systat Software, Inc., San Jose, CA) used to assess differences in CFX among INR therapeutic ranges Differences between groups assess used Dunn’s post hoc test P values < 0.05 are considered significant
Results 309 randomly selected OAT patients were tested 30 normal subjects not on anticoagulants tested for comparison Range of INR & CFX in OAT patients: –INR0.92 – –CFX9 – 132%
Results INR CFX Range (Mean) N < % (53%) – – 48% (28%) 135 > – 46% (21%) 104 Normals 72 – 131% 96% 30
Figure 1. Good model fit between INR and CFX when expressed as a second order inverse function (N = 339, r 2 = 0.929; P<0.001). Open circles represent samples from normal control group (CFXn), closed circles represent patients receiving Coumadin therapy (CFXc).
Figure 2A. ROC curve using INR ≥ 2.0 as criteria for the threshold of therapeutic anticoagulation. Figure 2B (arrow) is a plot of sensitivity and specificity over the range of CFX values tested (N = 339). The arrow indicates the CFX value ≤ 35.5% that has maximum combined sensitivity and specificity for the INR therapeutic threshold (INR ≥ 2.0).
Figure 3A is a ROC curve for the patients with INR ≥ 2.0 (N = 240) using an INR value >3.0 for discriminating therapeutic form surpratherapeutic ranges of CFX. Figure 3B is a plot of sensitivity and specificity vs CFX values. Arrow indicates that CFX ≤ 23.5% is consistent with an INR >3.0.
Figure 4 depicts box plots (median: solid line, mean: dotted line, whiskers: 10th and 90 th percentile) for CFX values categorized by INR therapeutic ranges. Significant differences were noted between all groups. Dashed lines indicate the CFX range (23.5%-35.5%) is equivalent to the INR therapeutic range (INR ).
Conclusion CFX correlates well with INR in a randomly selected group of OAT patients at varying levels of anticoagulation –R = by inverse square function CFX is highly discriminative for patients in therapeutic and subtherapeutic INR ranges –ROC curve area 0.948, p < , n = 339 CFX has good discrimination for patients in therapeutic and supratherapeutic INR range –ROC curve area 0.864, p < , n = 240
Conclusion CFX 2.0 –Sensitivity 91.7% –Specificity 91.9% CFX 3.0 –Sensitivity 78.2% –Specificity 84.6%
Conclusion Current findings suggest usefulness of CFX for monitoring oral anticoagulation in broad groups of patients seen in a coumadin clinic
Conclusion Further study warranted to compare outcomes in OAT patients monitored with CFX and conventional INR methods –Bleeding events –Thromboembolism –Cost –Convenience –Availability
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