Marketed By Mr. F X O'Neil Meek Ranch Sales 321 E. Main Street Uvalde, TX (830) (830) (Fax)
History: Las Vistas was originally part of the 10,000 acre Pastel livestock ranch. The majority of the pastures were chained in the early 1990’s to remove the cedar and improve the browse. It was purchased by a real estate company in about 2000 and subdivided into 7 pastures ranging in size from 1000 acres to 2000 acres. During the period from 2000 until about 2006 the ranch was not grazed and not hunted. Tom Blackwell purchased this 1148 acre section in about 2006 and build rough roads on the property. During his ownership the ranch was again minimally hunted, not grazed and not game managed. Dr and Mrs. Hurwitz bought the ranch in The name Las Vistas was chosen because the beautiful north and south views visible from the top of the north ridge. Dr Hurwitz immediately implemented a game management plan, drilled three permitted Edwards Aquifer wells, finished the roads, and installed blinds, feeders, and pens. Las Vistas Ranch
Vegetation A ranch survey performed by the Wildlife Management Department at the Southwest Texas Junior College found healthy populations of browse plants on the ranch. Deer browse species included typical South Texas brush species such as Guajillo, Black Brush, Persimmon, Kidney wood, Live Oak, Pear, Bushy Blue Sage, Purple Sage, and numerous others. Scattered areas of dense mature cedar provides excellent cover. There is also a healthy population of Pinion Pine on the hill sides and tops.
Las Vistas was pre historically occupied by a large population of Indians. There are at least 5 large middens on the property and, in addition, artifacts are commonly found over the entire ranch. The property also has numerous quarries. Las Vistas Ranch
Las Vistas was essentially not hunted for a number of years and there had never been a game management plan implemented prior to the time that Dr Hurwitz Purchased the ranch. The deer population was lower that its browsing capacity most likely due to a lack of water on the ranch. The deer population had a healthy age spread with adequate numbers of mature deer for the existing population. Feeding program: Starting in the summer of 2008, a free choice protein and timed release corn feeding program was implemented. In addition to feeding stations, hundreds of pounds of feed are spread on the roads monthly with a tailgate feeder. Secure welded wire feeder pens were constructed to limit wild hog utilization of the supplement al feed. Hog numbers were also reduced thru significant hunting pressure. Water: Two additional clean water sources were provided and now there is a well per about 350 acres. Hunting program: Numerous does and cull bucks were harvested in 2008 and but all quality deer were left in place. The same procedure in being used in Deer Census: Deer numbers, age and sex are recorded from blinds. Trail cameras are used to Image deer at protein feeders and watering sites. Results: Despite record breaking doubt conditions in 2008 and 2009, Las Vistas had a healthy fawn survival rate and no significant mature deer numbers were lost to malnutrition. With the change in weather, the deer are now in excellent condition. We are seeing numerous bucks this year that we saw last year with substantial improvement in body condition and antler size. Las Vistas Ranch
Photography Friendly Blind Locations
Las Vistas Ranch Improvements Water facilities: Four wells are equally spaced through out the ranch and range in depth from 300 to 450 feet. The wells are in excellent condition and produce from 6 to greater than 20 gallons per minute of superior quality water. There is a 25,ooo gallon concrete storage tank with an overflow pond on the most central well. Three of the wells are equipped with solar pumps. The new well on the south east corner is located near the power line but has not been equipped with a pump and is not in production. Roads: The dedicated easement road in is excellent condition and the ranch itself is served by well constructed and easily traveled new roads. The majority of the roads are all weather. Electricity: Electrical lines have been extended to the entrance of the ranch and power is available from the Rio Grande Electrical Coop.
Las Vistas Ranch Blinds The ranch has four new three person blinds situated not only for hunting but for photography as well. This is the north view from the Hill Blind.
Views From Indian Mound Blind Las Vistas Ranch
New Well and Pond on Hill Las Vistas Ranch
New Road Indian Mound Blind
Installing feeder Pen At Hill Blind Las Vistas Ranch
Dr Sandy Hurwitz has been a practicing veterinarian for 37 years and has owned, managed and professionally worked on stock and game ranches for over 30 years. Dr Hurwitz has bred and raised horses, cattle, elk, fallow deer, whitetails, axis deer, blackbucks, and exotic sheep. His practice has included all domestic large animal species, pets, birds, zoo, and game animals. In addition to hunting, his passions include photography, wildlife management, youth hunting and fishing programs and horses. Las Vistas Ranch