Three Rings Ranch Mighty Mustangs Mrs. Butcher’s Second Grade
The bell rings. We line up to come in our room. Our classroom is on the stage. We line up outside the stage door. We’re “Star Students”! We practice our vocabulary words before we come in the classroom.
If we go all year without missing a day, we get a special “Gold Medallion” at the end of the year!
We read every day.
Sometimes we read all together. Sometimes we read in small groups.
We read “Best Wishes, Ed. Then we made giant penguins!
First we read our AR books. Then we take a test on the computer. We keep track of our tests with sticker charts.
We work every day on our Alphasmarts. Computers are great! Our friends at Homestead donated our new Alphasmart computers to our classroom.
Our Special Friends at Homestead We get letters every week from our special friends at Homestead Inc. We love to read them as soon as we get them.
Our Fifth Graders They help us work on our web pages. Math is more fun with the fifth graders helping us!
We do P.E. every day.
We take “Mad Minute math tests every day. When we pass a math level we get to pick out of the treasure chest.
Birthdays are special days! My mom’s cookies are the best!
We gather our things and line up to go home. It’s been another GREAT day!