Surface Water Disinfection By Ed Knueve, CWS -V ClearWater Tech, LLC ClearWater Tech, LLC. Ozone Systems
Dairy Farm Continental, Ohio head of cattle head of cattle - Milked 3 times/day
Profile of Application 300 ft. well capable of 100 gpm Raw water flows through plate cooler, then into a 6.5 million gallon holding pond Holding pond water provides drinking water for 600 head of dairy cattle Water used for: - Cooling milk (plate cooler) - Drinking water (cattle) - Washdown
Analyte Result Unit Hydrogen Sulfide 100 ppm Hardness 1,026 ppm Raw water analysis revealed high levels of hydrogen sulfide and hardness The Problem Table 1: Report of Analytical Results Pre-Treatment Due to poor quality of well water, surface water treatment was chosen
Water Importance of High Quality Water To produce at maximum levels, cows must be well hydrated High hydrogen sulfide levels create aesthetic problems, reducing water consumption Hydrogen sulfide can shorten the life of expensive equipment
The System Based on analysis, raw water is used only to cool milk from milking parlor because: - Plate cooler requires fairly constant water temperature (approximately 54ºF) - High levels of H 2 S & hardness have no adverse effect on plate cooler
The System - The System - continued To treat the holding pond water, the following system was installed: hp submersible pumps pull water from holding pond - Slow sand filtration - 5,000 gallon atmospheric storage tank fills by float switch - 19 gram/hour corona discharge ozone generator - 15 SCFH PSA O 2 concentrator (min -90ºF dewpoint) - 3/4 hp recirculation pump for 40 gpm recirc. loop - 5-hp centrifugal pump to re-pressurize system - Multimedia filtration - Cation softener (washdown)
System Diagram
Treatment Results Disinfection - Maintaining 850mV of ORP in holding tank - In compliance with County Health Department regulations - In compliance with Ohio State Department of Health rule #3701 for continuous disinfection Milk Production - 72 lb./day average per cow and rising - Started 62 lb./day average
Dealer Benefits System installed at a 63% gross profit margin - Includes installation labor, materials and equipment costs Separate service contract - Includes annual maintenance & service - Negotiated at approx. 75% gross profit margin