20 th Anniversary of Ultrasound “Twenty Years of Progress”
Breed Changers! Sire Summary Leaders
The Early Years…1986 Brinks Brangus donated an Ultrasound machine to Kansas State University. First Rib eye area measures are taken. Kansas State University Project Dr. Jack Riley, Willard Olson, Michael Dikeman, Bob Chalis, Larry Corah, Mark Johnson, Don Waldner.
The Early Years…1986 Designed progeny tests and carcass data was gathered on Brinks sires out of commercial herds owned by Albert Wiggins, Clemson University and others.
The Early Years…1987 All yearling bulls and females are ultrasounded at Brinks Brangus.
The Early Years…1989 Serial harvests are conducted in conjunction with Kansas State University. Every four months, six head at a time. As a result of these serial harvests, it was determined that 12 months of age was the optimum age to measure ribeye area.
The Early Years…1990 NG Hotline of Brinks was identified as the top ribeye area yearling in the Brinks sale. Hotline was the eventual prepotent “muscle sire” in the breed and became a trait leader for ribeye area.
Lineman of Brinks 881A7 NG Hotline of Brinks Transformer of Brinks Brightside of Brinks 789G5
In the Spring 2006 Brangus Sire Summary, Transformer of Brinks, four sons and grandsons make up the top five REA trait leaders.
The Early Years…1993 Klaus Birkel purchases the Brinks cowherd in its entirety. Camp Cooley along with others fund IMF research at Iowa State University. Auburn University – (Dr. John Hough and Dr. Lisa Kreise) Conducted research to identify the effects of selection for increased ribeye area. Every yearling bull and heifer are ultrasounded for IMF at Camp Cooley Ranch.
Progress through selection…1997 The top 14 ribeye area sires in the breed carry the Brinks brand.
Progress through selection…1999 The Brangus breed includes IMF in the lists of traits analyzed in the sire summary. Brangus puts all collected carcass data on an ultrasound basis and combines the information in the sire summary. Eight of the top ten sires for IMF in the Brangus Sire Summary are products of the Camp Cooley Ranch Brinks Brangus herd.
Brangus Genetic Trends: Where have we been and how have we progressed?
Progress through selection…2006 Camp Cooley Ranch Genetic Trends Brangus REA11.44”13.78” IMF
Camp Cooley Ranch Genetic Trends Progress through selection…2006 Angus REA9.16”13.05” IMF
Camp Cooley Ranch Genetic Trends Progress through selection…2006 Charolais REA12.35”14.06” IMF
Progress through selection…2006 Eight of the top ten ribeye area sire trait leaders are from Camp Cooley Ranch (And fifteen of the top twenty.) Eight of the top ten IMF sire trait leaders are from Camp Cooley Ranch ( And twelve of the top fifteen.)
What has all of this meant for Camp Cooley Ranch? The proof is in the results.
Record Breaking Bull Sale –1000+ bulls averaged $3400+ –100 Brangus females averaged $5,000+ –Sold cattle from coast to coast –Average Brangus REA 13”+ on 500+bulls
What’s On The Horizon?
The Future…where are we headed? We have a commitment to our customers and the beef industry… progress through selection.
The Future…where are we headed? Lead Gun of Brinks 222K14 BWWWYWMilkSCREAIMF Lead Gun % Ranking
“If you don’t have the passion, you can not create the future!” We have the passion! Carlos Dowdal – Argentine Brangus Breeder.
(800) Join us! November Bulls