Grimmway Farms Presentation By: Ben Diesl Sethi Chehal Megan Rodriguez Jeff Wilson MKTG 606
Grimmway Background and History
History 1968: Brothers Rod and Bob Grimm set up their first roadside produce stand in Anaheim. The brothers had one promise, “Always take care of the customer.” After more than three decades and expansion into over twenty countries, Grimmway still follows the same mission of its founders.
New logo was created with Pride and Integrity as always. 2001-Present Acquisition of King Pak potato division and Cal-Organic Farms- full line grower, processor, shipper of certified organic produce. New logo was created with Pride and Integrity as always. 1971-81 Rod and Bob Grimm began farming carrots and moved their processing plant to Arvin, California. 1992-1995 Grimmway opens baby carrot processing plant, opens facilities in Colorado, and buys Mike Yurosek and Son (the baby carrot inventor) to become the industry leader passing Bolthouse. 1982-1991 Grimmway complete the frozen carrot processing plant, buys Belridge Farms and Premier Citrus. 1996-2000 Grimmway opens 37,000 sq. ft. carrot juice concentrate plant and expands the Malaga processing facility in food service production.
Background Headquartered in Arvin, California Grows a diverse line of vegetables World’s leading carrot producer Kern County’s largest private employer with roughly 7,000 employees Ships hundreds of thousands of tons of carrots to wholesale and retail grocers from its four plants
Product Offerings Types of Carrots: Other Vegetables: Table Baby Coined Shred Bunch Juice Other Vegetables: Leafy Greens Potatoes Onions Beets Melons Many others
Field Objectives How does Grimmway get water? How is the water used? What happens with the water?
How does Grimmway get water? Inbound Logistics
Ranch Water Sources Grimmway grows on 100’s of ranches Ranches have either wells or turnouts, some have both Many ranches have small (10 feet X 10 feet) reservoirs to store water
Well vs. Turnout Closest in proximity Time Cost Contracts with the Water District Wells can be costly due to energy cost and installation costs Preference is to buy if possible
Water in the Facilities Either Municipal or Well Municipal cost has increased 5 times since last year Use of Municipal water can create hardships for small towns Prefer to use well water for processing facilities
Water Quality Before any water used, must meet the following standards: Chemical Microbiological Radiological
How is the Water Used? Operations
The Field Fallow Field Beds Irrigation Harvest Water Plant in Mature Beds Irrigation Water 120-180 Days Harvest
Planting Water is applied to fallow land to prepare it for planting Wet fields are listed – beds are made for planting Carrot seed is mechanically planted
Irrigation Irrigation starts within the week Ranch Managers determine the watering schedule More water = shorter, fatter carrots Less water = longer, skinnier carrots (more desirable for Grimmway) Growing season continues 4 to 6 months with water usage at a steadily decreasing rate.
Processing Trailer Facility (Flume) Processed Water Washout Water Transport Processed
Incoming Trailers Trailers full of carrots are put under soaker sheds to keep the carrots wet and cool Using a FIFO system, the carrots are washed out into the facility flume system The washout process knocks most of the dirt off the carrots
Processing Once the carrots enter the facility, they are kept cold and wet the entire time, through flumes or periodic rinses Water is cooled to below 40°F Carrots are sorted and processed – cut, peeled, and polished
Packaging & Shipping Baby carrots are bagged A small volume of water is injected into the bag along with the carrots
What Happens with the Water?
Direction of Carrot Processing Facility Water Reuse Fresh Water Washout Water Processing Water Final Rinse Water Direction of Carrot Processing
Facility Water Reuse Washout Water Settling Ponds The settling pond allows all of the dirt, carrot pulp, and other sediment to naturally settle, leaving clean water
Facility Water Reuse After treatment in a settling pond, the water is used for irrigation of crops not bound for human consumption (dairy feed, etc)
Facility Water Reuse After the water has been used for irrigation, it will seep through the dirt to recharge the aquifer Traveling through the earth is an excellent natural filter that will further purify the water
Other Wastewater Options Water-banking with District Agencies Constructed wetlands to further purify wastewater Water treatment to allow it to be used on crops for human consumption