Grassland birds as indicators of the Ecological Recovery of Bison -Dr. Kevin Ellison & Dr. Steve Zack
ABS purchased, received, and donated bison. Also bought land & released bison at 7 preserves.
Ecological recovery of the North American bison will occur when multiple large herds of plains and wood bison move freely across extensive landscapes within all major habitats of their historic ranges, interacting in ecologically significant ways with the fullest possible set of other native species, and inspiring, sustaining and connecting human cultures. –ABS Vermejo statement, Sanderson et al : WCS reinvigorated it’s American Bison Society -ecological restoration of bison as wildlife
More bison, more herds
size Since 1990: 20 (30%) new conservation herds
Managers lack experience with bison as bison -Most groups just focused on getting bison -Goals usually relate to how the range ‘looks’ -Wildlife, including bison, require greater scales of habitat J. Rushing
Without a road map, bison can end up in the wrong place H. Waxman
Geography of breeding grassland birds # of species after Mengel 1970
Sings “Koda, pte kizhozho,” i.e., “Friends I whistle for the buffalo” … So that its friends, the Dakotas, might supply their needs of meat and clothing. –Gilmore 1921, Prairie Smoke Meadowlark, bird of promise
Grassland birds = Indicators of structure & scale
Using grassland bird population goals as targets to guide bison restoration
Not all birds are good guides for restoration
US State of the Birds 2009: Of 46 grassland-breeding bird species 48% are of conservation concern 23 spp. w/ data Percentage change
3-10X as many cattle on 20-30% of the range once used by plains bison % that range now in crops
“Manage to the middle” Not grazed enough Not rested enough
Grassland birds = Indicators of structure & scale Acres required: HabitatSpeciesterritorypatch BareMountain Plover Short grassMcCown’s Longspur3-4- Med. grassGrasshopper Sparrow Med. grassC.-collared Longspur Taller grassSprague’s Pipit Taller grassBaird’s Sparrow3-462
In the US: <2% historic habitat suitable for Sprague’s Pipit
Free-ranging grazers produced landscape-level mosaics of large patches of different habitats 500 acres medium tall short
500 acres Landscape-level mosaic of large patches of different habitats Herd grazes an area in March
500 acres Landscape-level mosaic of large patches of different habitats Herd grazes May-June
Landscape-level mosaic of large patches of different habitats 500 acres Areas grazed in July-Aug
Short grass Tall grass Medium grass Modern pastures & inter-fencing
Patch burns at TNC’s Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma Shifting-mosaic of habitats on landscape 1 km
Patch burns at TNC’s Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma Shifting-mosaic of habitats on landscape
Patch burns at TNC’s Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Oklahoma Shifting-mosaic of habitats on landscape
WCS on-site collaborations 16 sites >600,000 acres Turner Bad River Ranch
1. Partner ranch Assess current conditions Target species & goals 2. Grazer management: Record density, movement, Water presence/use 3. Other management: Fire, weeds, herbicide/mowing 4. Landscape Scale Features: GIS analyses: fragmentation, matrix of habitats/adjacency, structures (e.g., powerlines, turbines) Weather: Drought Precipitation 5. Record ecological interactions (e.g., prairie dogs, nest predators) 6. Measure grassland plant community (composition, structure, productivity) 7. Grassland bird responses: Measure density & productivity Adaptive management cycle:
Monitor initial conditions vegetation & birds Make management recommendations Measure grassland bird responses: Density/productivity
Common recommendations & findings: TNC’s Ordway Preserve 8,000 acres
Common recommendations & findings: -overcome fences! -context -complementarity -cluster for scale
US NPS wallows plant heterogeneity wool for nesting birds & mammals 2. Lag of impact in processes associated with bison hoof action seed disperser nutrient source cowbird associate
Monitoring grassland birds & habitat to: -guide bison restoration -enhance wildlife-friendly cattle grazing -promote sustainable grazing -refine projects reseeding & restoring grasslands -apply technologies to target these efforts both north and south -methods facilitate common metrics and adaptive learning toward exportable practices
0.6g 2 x.5cm Geolocators to study migration Chestnut-collared Longspur with geolocator Sprague’s Pipit
0.6g 2 x.5cm Geolocators to study migration
Key Partners: FederalState/Provincial USDA/NRCSMontana Bird Conservation Partnership National Park ServiceMT NRCS & BLM USFWS& USGSUniversities of Montana, Manitoba, Calgary TribalNGO Blackfoot Confederacy World Wildlife Fund-US Private American Prairie Foundation 777 Ranch The Nature Conservancy -CO, ND, SD, MT Durham RanchNature Conservancy Canada -SK, AB Turner Enterprises American Bison Society Wild Idea Buffalo Ranch Linden Trust for Conservation Denver Zoological Foundation