Welcome Key Clubbers!
The Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
What is Key Club? Key Club is the world’s largest high school service organization. We are dedicated to volunteering and service the community.
How does Key Club work? Cypress Ranch Key Club Division 3W Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club International Kiwanis is an international service organization which consists of different sectors including… - Circle K - K Kids - Builder’s Club
Want to know a little more about OUR Key Club? Cypress Ranch Key Club is the biggest Key Club in the world! For , our Key Club was ranked #2 out of more than 300 clubs in the Texas-Oklahoma District! We are known across the community, the district, the country, and the world! You are now a part of such an amazing organization with such a huge impact!
Now that you know more about Key Club, let’s welcome… Rachel Iselin Our very own Division 3W Lieutenant Governor!
Have YOU signed up? 1.Go to cyranchkey.com then to the Registration tab. Fill out your information; it will take less than 5 minutes! 2.Go to the Important Forms tab, print the two page CFISD Parent Permission Slip, and fill it out! 3.Bring your permission slip with your $30 dues to Mrs. Haygood in Room 2110!
The deadline is… OCTOBER 1 ST Remember you are not officially a member until you have completed all three steps!
Get your Key Club shirt now! - You will not receive your shirt until you have paid! - If you have paid and not received your shirt yet, we should have your size available! Go to Mrs. Haygood after the meeting and pick it up! - If we still don’t have your size, we will take your name and let you know when the next shipment is in!
You joined Key Club… now what? Each semester, you are required to have 15 service hours (10 of which must be physical) and attend 2 socials! Through Key Club, you are going to make so many friends and have so many amazing experiences! Make the most of your Key Club experience!
How do I get my hours? Search: Use this website throughout the year in order to sign up for volunteer opportunities! Also, constantly be checking your for alerts on new events!
Project Snack Attack! Bring in snacks to donate to the homeless in the Cy Fair area! Sandwich size zip lock bag Packages of animal crackers or cookies Packages of crackers (ex. cheese, peanut butter, etc.) Small packages of candy such as Sweet Tarts, Skittles, StarBurst, Tootsie Rolls, lollipops, Jolly Ranchers, etc. Bring your donations to Room 2110 by SEPTEMBER 17 TH !
BRING YOUR SERVICE CARD TO EVERY MEETING! This year, we will be stamping service cards on the back in order to keep track of meeting attendance! You are only allowed to miss TWO MEETINGS A SEMESTER unless you talk with Mrs. Haygood, Emily, David, Amna, or Swetha!
What’s expected of ME? When you’re volunteering… - Wear your Key Club shirt! - Always be on time! - Never leave until your work is completely done! - No purple! - No eating! - No cell phones! Do whatever is asked of you with a good attitude Remember… you are there to serve!
Come to our very first ORANGE LEAF SOCIAL of the year! September 18 th from 3-8pm * Make sure you sign in and MAKE A PURCHASE! You will not receive credit for the social if you do not buy anything! Bring in the flyer we give you! * $1 CUP = SHARE OUR STRENGTH – END CHILD HUNGER
Stay CONNECTED! Facebook: Cypress Ranch Key Club Website: cyranchkey.com Remind: Text to Sign Up Genius:
Do you have volunteer hours outside of Key Club? You should work towards… The Presidential Volunteer Service Award! Go to presidentialserviceawards.org and make an account and track your hours throughout the entire calendar year! You can include your Key Club hours as well as any outside hours. We will give you more information as the semester comes to an end!