Kenya Field Work Summary: June 2011 Arabuko-Sokoke, Tsavo East and Rukinga Ranch MSU & UMD: Walter Chomentowski, Chris Justice, Christina Justice, Tatiana Loboda, Dave MacFarlane, Dave Skole, Mike Smalligan KEFRI: Vincent Oeba, Simon Wairungu Wildlife Works: Rob Dodson, Mwololo Muasa, Joel Mwandigha ICRAF: Shem Kuyah
Arabuko-Sokoke Coastal Forest Six fixed area plots (1,000 m 2 ) in several forest types
Tsavo East National Park Tree Survey (Canon GSP camera photos displayed on Canon Map Utility)
Wildlife Works Rukinga Ranch REDD Project Notes: 1. MSU did 3 fixed area plots overlapping prior WW plots with a similar but not exact protocol. 2. Wildlife Works general allometry for green weight, 50% dry weight, 50% CF, 0.4 R:S 3. Table below taken from WW Project Design Document.
Wildlife Works General Equation comparable to Brown 97 Dry Forests and CBP
CBP predicts somewhat higher biomass above 42cm DBH
Six 500 m transects to identify and measure trees
Canon GPS Camera converted to geodatabase files in ArcMap
Relationship between DBH and crown diameter in Rukinga (Data collected by Wildlife Works)
Similar R 2 for trees in western Kenya (Data collected by MSU)
Lower R 2 for multi-stem trees (Data collected by Wildlife Works)
Crown to DBH models are specific to their ecosystems
Growth Rates of Trees at Rukinga Ranch WW inventory in March of 2009 MSU inventory of 3 WW plots (14,16,17) in June of 2011
WHRC Carbon Map: Vast areas of Kenya are greater than Zero t/ha AGB (Baccini et al A first map of tropical Africa’s above-ground biomass derived from satellite imagery.)
Rukinga Ranch Dry Forests ≠ 0 t/ha AGB Rukinga Ranch = 15.8 t/ha AGB (238,668 tonnes C in AGB in 30,168 hectares – 7.9 tC/ha)
Agriculture in Western Kenya ≠ 0 t/ha Mean of 9 one ha non-forest plots = 33.4 t/ha AGB